Number of monthly active

Facebook users


3.04 Billion

(as of 3rd quarter 2023)

Number of monthly global active users of Facebook

Facebook: Monthly active users globally 2008-2023

Facebook is the most used online social network globally– It has about 3.049 billion active users per month. This social media platform exceeded 2 billion active users right in Q2 2017, which means it took just 13 years to accomplish this success. While the Meta-owned platform Instagram took about 11.2 years, YouTube from Google took about 14 years to bring this achievement. In January 2022, the prominent audience base was located in India. It had about 330 million users while the US stood second with almost 179 million users. Facebook is also a highly adopted platform across Brazil and Indonesia. In January 2021, the US crowd used Facebook the most time every day. The average daily spending time on Facebook was 33 minutes, while it was 32 minutes on TikTok and 31 minutes on Twitter.

Number of daily global Facebook active users as of Q3 2023

Facebook: Daily active users globally 2011-2023

In Q3 2023, the daily Facebook active users hit 2.08 billion, which shows a slow increase compared to the previous quarter. While compared to the number of active daily users as of Q2 2022, Facebook has gained 96 million users. The penetration rate for Facebook in 2022 has risen to 71.43%, up from 70% in 2020. The audience reaches for Facebook is expected to reach 75.79% by 2027.

Monthly active Facebook users in the U.S and Canada as of Q3 2023

Facebook: Number of monthly Facebook active users in Canada and the U.S. 2010-2023

Facebook had a total of 271 million active users per month across the US and Canada in Q3 2023. Compared to the second quarter value of 270 million users, it has added 1 million to the statistical growth.

World’s most popular social networks, ranked as per the active users(based on October 2023)

Facebook: The best favored social network across the globe

Facebook, the market leader, is the first to exceed 1 billion officially registered accounts. It has more than 3 billion monthly active users across the globe, followed by YouTube with 2.49 bn and WhatsApp with 2 bn users. The company is also the parent to the 4 biggest social media platforms that have above 1 billion active users every month; ie. Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook Messenger. As of Q2 2023, Facebook had reported more than 3.8 bn family product users.

Leading countries according to the Facebook audience size based on April 2023

Facebook: Leading countries as per the audience size

  • No:2


  • No:4


  • No:5


  • No:9


  • No:10


  • No:1


  • No:3


  • No:7


  • No:6


  • No:8


Facebook has more than 369.9 million users only in India, which makes the country leading in terms of audience size. If the Facebook audience in India constituted a country, it would rank third as the largest population across the world. In addition to India, the other markets with over 100 million Facebook users include the US with 186.4 million, Indonesia with 135.1 million, and Brazil with 114.2 million total users.

Global Distribution of Facebook users as of January 2023, based on age and gender

Facebook: Distribution of global audiences in 2023, based on age and gender

8.9% of the total Facebook audience were women aged between 18-24 years as of January 2023. The male users of the age group 25-34 years make up the largest group across the social media platform.

Device usage among Facebook users globally as of Q3 2022

Facebook: Device users globally as of January 2022

Being a popular social network across the globe, and accessible through various mobile apps and sites makes Facebook most preferred across all devices. As of January 2022, 98.5% of users use any type of mobile phone to log into Facebook. About 81.8% of users opt to log in to Facebook only via a single phone. While 16.7% of users log in using phones and computers, only 1.5% of users prefer logging in from only laptop/desktop computers.

Major Facebook usage reasons based on the users in the United States as of Q3 2019

Facebook: Usage reasons based on the users in the US.

The statistics portray the reasons why users in the US prefer being on Facebook. At least 88% of users engage on Facebook to keep in touch with their family and friends.33% use it for entertainment purposes, and 23% use it to get news. Only 11% use Facebook for professional purposes.

Activities on Facebook by users in the U.S. as of March 2020

Facebook: Activities by users in the U.S

  • Send a message on Facebook Messenger

  • Browse your feed for posts from your Facebook friends or accounts you follow

  • Post a photo, written status update or video to your feed

  • Watch a video in your feed

  • Visit/use a Facebook group you are part of

  • Watch other people's Facebook Stories

  • Click or tap on an ad on Facebook

  • Watch a video on Facebook Watch

  • Shop or buy things from Facebook Marketplace

  • Post to my Facebook Story

  • Swipe up on a Facebook Story

  • Make a purchase after clicking or tapping on a Facebook ad

  • None of these


The most famous activity across Facebook to 51% of users was using Facebook messenger. At least 45% of users use Facebook to browse the feed to view posts from friends and following accounts. About 37% of people used Facebook to share a post, status update, or video to their profile feed.

Percentage of adults in the U.S. who use Facebook as of February 2021, based on their education

Facebook: Usage based on the educational background

As per the statistics, among the adults in the U.S. who used Facebook as of February 2021, 73% of them were College graduates. 71% of them have done some kind of college, while 64% were in high school or less than that.

Biggest publishers on Facebook from the US and UK as of Q1 2023, ranked as per the overall Facebook interactions

User engagement by leading publishers across Facebook from the US and UK in 2023

The largest publisher across Facebook in the US and UK is, with 19.16 million interactions, which combines the shares, likes, and comments posted on the content. The next one is with 14.78 million interactions reported.

Annual revenue and net income of Facebook from 2007 to 2022

Facebook: Annual revenue and net income from 2007-2022

As 2021 moved towards the end, Facebook Inc, which owns Facebook, Instagram, and Whatsapp, gave the company a new name ‘Meta’ post-rebranding. This was a part of their strategic move towards Metaverse. Meta reported a revenue of 116 bn USD in 2022, a decrease from 117bn USD in the previous year. Within the past decade, they have increased global revenue by more than 114 bn USD. Their major source of profits is the advertisement revenue, which alone generated 113.6 bn USD in 2022.

The total revenue of 2022 for Family of Apps counted to over 114 bn USD. The Meta Reality Labs, a Virtual Reality division of the company generated about 2.1 bn USD. The marketing expenditure for the year 2022 went up to 15 billion USD, which was 14 bn USD the previous year.

Price of specific acquisitions of Facebook as of November 2022

Facebook: Prices of chosen Acquisitions as of November 2022

In October 2022, Meta gained ownership of Camouflaj, a mobile gaming company, for an undisclosed sum. Facebook spent 19 bn USD to acquire a Messenger app, Whatsapp, in February 2014. They have also acquired Oculus VR for 2 bn USD, and the Instagram acquisition led to a cost of 1 bn USD to the company. Meta acquired ownership of 99 organisations by November 2022.

The expected number of Facebook users in the U.S by 2025

Facebook user growth in the U.S from 2017 to 2025

The user base for Facebook in the United States was approximately 235.02 million in 2021. This is expected to hit 257.41 million by 2025.

A Quick look at the Facebook Usage Statistics

In these Facebook usage statistics, we have covered all the major reports and numbers about Facebook usage for you. Here are some quick insights about what we could see from these infographics with more interesting stats.

Facebook is the most popular and widely used social media platform globally as of 2023. India stands first in terms of the country having the most number of Facebook users worldwide. In the third quarter of 2023, 3.96 bn Meta product users have risen across the world.

There are about 3 bn active users per month and 2.08 bn daily active users on Facebook. The monthly active Facebook users from the U.S and Canada count to 271 million, while the same for users in Europe makes 408 million.

About 70% of U.S adults use Facebook, while Facebook users aged 25-34 years are 23.6%. The average time people in the U.S spend on Facebook per month is 15.5 hours. is a prominent publisher across Facebook from the US and the UK. Facebook is also keen on taking care of the policies and conduct across the platform. Facebook managed to remove at least 426 million fake accounts in Q1 of 2023. Similarly, the content with hate speech detected and removed in Q2 2023, was 18 million.

Also, 98.5% of respondents said they used some kind of mobile phone to use Facebook, while 81.8% of people preferred a phone to get into Facebook.

Hope the above stats and inferences have given you a good understanding of the latest trends in Facebook usage in 2023.

Which stats have got your attention the most? What else would you add to these stats? Drop your favourite stats and comments below!