Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

This is an open-source framework for creating mobile-friendly web pages with fast page load times and enhanced user experience.

Adaptive Design

Adaptive design is the process of creating user interfaces that adapt to various screen sizes like mobile phones, computers and other devices.


Agile methodology involves a team carrying out the project by breaking it down into small, achievable tasks, collaborating closely and reviewing progress regularly.


An algorithm is a set of instructions used to perform specific tasks in an orderly manner.

API (application program interface)

Application program interface (API) is an intermediary that allows the communication and data exchange between two software applications.

Application (app)

An application or app, as it is commonly known, is software developed to help users perform specific tasks on digital devices.


Attributes are information about the HTML elements confined within the open tag. These define the functionality and behaviour of the elements.


B2B Web Development

B2B Web Development is developed to design websites for large-scale businesses to interact with each other.


This is a server-side application that communicates with the front end, sending and receiving information to be served and displayed on the webpage


It refers to the maximum data flow within a given period of time. It is usually measured in megabits per second(mbps), or Gigabits per second(gbps).


Bootstrap is an open-source framework designed to develop mobile-first websites


Browser refers to the software used for accessing and displaying web pages on the Internet or from local sources


A bug is known to be an error or fault in a website's code that could cause an incorrect result.



It is the storage of copies of files and data in a temporary location on a user’s device or servers for better performance and reduced server load.


Classes are known as templates or blueprints that define the data and functions that each object of a particular class will have


Content Management System is a software application that allows creating, managing, and delivering content via digital channels.


Code is generally known as the languages used to build and maintain websites. Some of the coding languages include HTML, which is used for structuring, CSS for styling, and JavaScript for interaction


It is the process of persuading a visitor to do what we expect them to be, like buying a product, signing up for something, or filling out a form.


Cookies are small data files collected when a user visits a website. These files contain data about the user’s interaction with the website, including their login credentials, preferences, browse history, and other settings.


Crawl is a crucial part of SEO (Search Engine Optimization), where a search engine gathers information by exploring websites on the Internet and displays it when related content is browsed.


CRM also known as Customer Relationship Management, refers to integrating technologies and strategies used to manage and analyze customer interactions to strengthen services, sales, and customer retention


Cascading Style Sheets is a language used to style the content created with HTML or XML. It decides the setting of elements in different devices such as screens, printers, etc.


CTA also known as Call-to-action, is a prompt on a website that encourages the users to take action. It usually appears as a link or button with “Sign-Up” or “Buy Now’ phrases.


Ecommerce web development

Ecommerce web development is the process of designing and building an ecommerce website for buying and selling goods online

Enterprise Web Development

Enterprise Web Development is the creation of websites for large companies. Such websites tend to have a unique content management system (CMS) called Enterprise Content Management.

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