Hire Expert Full-Stack Developers Working Exclusively For You!

Hire top-skilled Full-Stack Developers from Acodez. Interview yourself and appoint a competent specialist. Ready to join your team in 1-2 days without long-term commitments.

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React JS Projects Completed

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Why Hire Dedicated Full-Stack Developers From Acodez?

We hold a team of award-winning and passionate Full Stack Developers with years of excellence in creating and maintaining all the factors requisite to run web applications efficiently. Our team of full-stack developers are highly relied upon as a one-stop solution for all the front-end and back-end layers along with DevOps activities. The years of professional practice enabled them to vision and create big-picture solutions. Acodez is the ideal choice for dedicated resource hiring because we possess specialists who have hands-on experience working on many complex web application projects projects for our clients across the globe, including some of the leading MNC clients.

Dedicated Full-Stack Specialists
Dedicated Full-Stack Specialists

The recruited Full-Stack Developers will work exclusively for your team like a full-time employees with 100% commitment to your project

Flexible Engagement Models
Flexible Engagement Models

With our flexible engagement models, you can hire our expert specialists for a month and even for a few hours based on your need.

On-Time Delivery
On-Time Delivery

Get the assigned task done by our specialists within the delivery time without any delay. They will be directly working and reporting to you.

Flexible Time Zones
Flexible Time Zones

We offer flexibility in time zones and our specialist will work in any time zones of your need though we normally work on IST zone.

Retention Policy
Retention Policy

If you wish to extend the contract, it can be done easily without any hectic procedures. You just need to let us know a few days in advance.

Cost-Effective Solutions
Cost-Effective Solutions

Everyone prefers Acodez because we offer hiring options for experienced Full-stack developers at a very affordable rate.

Process of Hiring Full-Stack Developers

At Acodez, we have a very simple yet effective process for hiring enthusiastic Full-stack developers. The process is very straightforward where you can shortlist the CVs of the specialist you are interested in working with and interview them by yourselves before hiring the most convincing resource. The process of interviewing yourselves will help you to evaluate the technical capabilities and communication skills of the Full-stack developers so that you can designate the right one for your team.

Make an Inquiry
Make an Inquiry

Connect with us through any medium (Website form/Email/WhatsApp/Skype chat/Call) so that our team will respond to you immediately with all the details and proposals.

Shortlist CVs
Shortlist CVs

Subsequent to agreeing on terms and conditions, we will send you the list of CVs of available Full stack developers so that you can short-list the candidates before taking an interview

Take Interview
Take Interview

Thereafter, we will schedule video interviews with the shortlisted candidates so that you can evaluate their capabilities and skills before appointing the most convincing resource to your team.

Add Resource to Your Team
Add Resource to Your Team

Once you hire the experienced specialist after interviewing, we will allocate them to your team within a span of 1-2 days. Now you have an efficient full-stack developer working for your team.

Hire Our Full-Stack Developers For any sort of Projects

We have a team of Full-stack award-winning developers who have great expertise in different full-stack technologies. Hire from among our experienced team of developers and programmers to add an expert member to your development easily.

Full-Stack Web Development

Full-Stack Web Development

Hire from our trusted & proficient Full-stack developers to build custom websites with the latest developmental tools and framework to ensure fast, reliable, and secure websites and web applications.

Front-End Full-Stack Development

Front-End Full-Stack Development

If you are in pursuit of front end specialist with long-term experience - we are the go-to platform. Get delivered the most amazing user experience with custom-oriented front-end design for your website.

Back-end Full-Stack Development

Back-end Full-Stack Development

Our team of web developers has great expertise working on back-end technologies like Laravel, Nodejs, Expressjs, PHP, and many more. Hire from our team to handle the backend of your website and web application.

MERN Stack Development

MERN Stack Development

We possess a team of MERN Stack developers who have top-of-the-line expertise in developing robust and securing web applications. They ensure better functionality and performance of your existing website or web application.

MEAN Stack Development

MEAN Stack Development

Get end-to-end MEAN stack solutions including strategies and development services by hiring from our full stack developer with long-term expertise in working with MEAN stack technologies

Full-Stack Support and Maintenance

Full-Stack Support and Maintenance

Hire from among our competent full-stack programmers to tackle the task of monitoring and maintaining your website in the perfect state by performing 360-degree maintenance services.

Key Skills Of Our Expert Full-Stack Developers

Full-Stack Developers


Our team of expert full-stack developers possesses long-term experience working with front-end technologies including HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, React JS, Angular JS etc, and back-end technologies such as, NodeJs, Python, PHP, etc.


The team has also shown proficiency in Database/web storage, Version Control Systems (VCS), and soft skills including Leadership skills, Communication skills, Time management skills, Multitasking, and Problem-Solving skills.


Acodez has successfully completed hundreds of Full-Stack development projects worldwide and the team has a great understanding of DevOps tools.


The Full-stack developers of Acodez have long-time expertise in website maintenance and Monitoring. They ensure the 360-degree maintenance of the website from errors, security glitches, and software updates.


Our developers have amazing expertise in Full-Stack developer stacks such as MERN, MEAN, Python (Django) full stack, PHP (Laravel) full stack etc and offer their services to create, improve and maintain the website and web applications.

Technology Stack Our Expert Full-Stack Developers Are Well Versed In

Here is the list of tools and techniques our full-stack developers are proficient at engaging for various full-stack development projects

Front-End Programming Languages and Frameworks

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • AngularJS
  • ReactJS
  • Vue.js

Back-End Frameworks

  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • Laravel
  • Goland
  • Python
  • MeteorJS
  • Spring Boot

UI Toolkits

  • UIKit
  • Foundation
  • Milligram
  • One-Nexus
  • Semantic UI
  • Pure CSS
  • Ink Interface Kit
  • GroundworkCSS
  • Materialize.css
  • Topcoat
  • Petal
  • ReactAntDesign
  • Blueprint
  • Rebase
  • Grommet


  • MongoDB
  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL

Hosting Platforms

  • AWS EC2
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Docker
  • Heroku
  • Firebase
  • RackSpace
  • Kubernetes
  • Dapr
  • Azure
  • AWS Lambda
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Tools & Utilities

  • NPM
  • ELK stack
  • Mocha
  • Chai
  • REST
  • JSON
  • Gulp

Object - Relational Mapping

  • Typeform
  • Mongoose
  • Sequelize

We build world-class,
award-winning apps.

We are an international award-winning IT company with 6 offices across India, and offers web design, web development and digital marketing services.



Development, Branding, Product, Marketing



Development, Branding, Product, Marketing

e Learning

e Learning

Development, Branding, Product, Marketing

365 Pilots

365 Pilots

Development, Branding, Product, Marketing

See our Awesome Clients


How We Engage

We offer very flexible engagement models for hiring our React JS resources. We offer 3 packages - monthly hiring, yearly hiring, and hourly hiring - so as to offer our clients to choose the model that suits their requirement the best.


The hourly pricing model suits customers who have smaller requirements that normally could be completed within in a few hours or a few days max.


Our monthly plan is the most popular plan among our customers where they hire our resource for a full month and start assigning themselves and managing their work.


The yearly plan suits customers that have requirements for larger applications that require a longer time period of engagement from our resources

Start a project within 2 days!

We are an international award-winning IT company with 6 offices across India, and offers web design, web development and digital marketing services.

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What are the benefits of hiring dedicated full-stack developers?

Hiring a dedicated full-stack developer with a great many years of expertise in the domain will help you to build any mobile or web applications. Acodez is a leading web design and development company in India. Hiring our resources will ensure maximum optimization when it comes to performance leading to more profit and also boosting faster development processes while being cost-effective.

How do I ensure the full-stack web developer I hire has the necessary skills and experience?

You can check the following while hiring a full-stack web developer to ensure they have the necessary skills and experience.
  • Look for someone with great years of experience in the domain
  • Check the candidate's previous works and portfolio
  • Understand their knowledge of the technical skill set by asking them technical-based questions and make sure they are experts in doing the job
  • Give them a complete idea of what you are expecting from them
  • Determine their communication skills since communication is a key factor in the effective completion of the project.

Can I hire Full stack developers on a part-time or full-time basis?

Yes, at Acodez we have flexible commitment models which makes it convenient for you to hire full-stack developers on a part-time basis, full-time basis, or on a contract basis. If you are in pursuit to hire a remote full-stack developer, check their previous work and their ability to work independently.

How much does it cost to hire a Full stack developer?

The cost of hiring a full-stack web developer will be based on the expertise and level of skills of the professional. Based on your requirements, you can hire suitable full-stack developers. At Acodez you can hire professionals backed with years of experience for the most affordable rates in the market.

What kinds of projects can your Full stack developers work on?

We have a team of full-stack professionals with years of experience working on all kinds of full-stack projects. They have an excellent approach to working on any of the following full-stack projects:

  • Reward-based online crowdfunding platform
  • E-commerce website
  • Food delivery app
  • Social media app
  • Tutorial app or website
  • Chat messaging app
  • Gaming app
  • Content management system
  • Data Analytics app or website
  • Workout tracker
  • Project management app
  • Video Conferencing app or website

How does your Full-Stack developer ensure the security and confidentiality of my project?

At Acodez we adhere to strict NDA policy to ensure the confidentiality of your project. We also follow a different approach in making sure the security of your project such as:

  • Ensuring that the HTML code is resilient
  • Securing React APIs
  • Implementing WAF (Web Application Firewall)
  • Not serializing sensitive data
  • Setting up proper file management
  • Utilizing allows/blocklist
  • Validation while parsing the URL.

How do your Full stack developers ensure the quality of work?

Quality and testing are crucial components in full-stack development. We have a team of experts who are brilliant at software testing. They undertake detailed testing to evaluate the usability, performance, and functionality of the application which includes:
  • Unit testing
  • Integration testing
  • End-to-end Testing
  • Continuous integration and deployment

Will the hired Full-Stack developer be available in my time zone?

Yes, one of the benefits of hiring resources from Acodez is that we have flexible time modules. Even thou we work in IST time, our resources will be available for you in any specific time zones.

Can I hire a Full stack developer for a short-term project or just for bug fixing?

Acodez web design and development company offers hiring options for short-term and long-term projects. We also have hourly pricing which makes it convenient for our clients to hire for even minor bug fixing.

Can your Full stack developers provide maintenance and support for my application after its development is complete?

We offer support and maintenance services for the applications. We have a team of experts and professionals who has an in-depth understanding of the frameworks, tools, and databases that will assist you with any support of your requirements

Looking for Other Services?

Explore our other related services to enhance the performance of your digital product.