Hire Expert ReactJS Developers Working Exclusively For You!

Looking to expand your ReactJs team? Interview yourself and hire the best ReactJS developers and add to your own team within 1-2 days. No long-term commitments. No strings attached.

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React JS Projects

React JS Projects Completed

years of trust

Years of

Member Team


International awards


Why Hire Dedicated ReactJS Developers From Acodez?

At Acodez, we have a team of award-winning ReactJS developers who possess hands-on working experience in front-end development using React.js to combine with robust back-end systems. Our expert React developers are well versed in all types of projects - be it a web application, a simple dynamic website, or UI for any software or app - we will get it done for you. At Acodez we have experience creating hundreds of React-based projects, which makes us an ideal choice for dedicated resource hiring.

React JS Resources
Dedicated React JS Resources

The hired resources will be working only on your projects, so it’s like a full-time experienced employee added to your team.

Flexible Engagement Models
Flexible Engagement Models

We offer flexible engagement models. Apart from hiring dedicated resources for a month, you can also hire them for a few hours.

On-Time Delivery
On-Time Delivery

You can expect 100% on-time delivery of the tasks assigned, as the resources will be working and reporting to you directly.

Flexibility in Time Zones
Flexibility in Time Zones

Though we normally work on IST time zones, we can make resources available to work on any specific time zones you need.

Retention Policy
Retention Policy

You can easily extend the contract if you want to - all you have to do is to let us know about it a few days in advance.

Cost-effective Solutions
Cost-effective Solutions

We offer the most value-for-money ReactJS developer hiring option, where you get experienced resources at very affordable rates.

Process of Hiring ReactJS Developers

The process of hiring a dedicated ReactJs developer from Acodez is very simple and effective. We ensure a very transparent hiring process where you can shortlist the CVs of the candidates and interview them by yourself, so you can hire the most convincing resources. Basically, this process will help you gauge the technical and communication skills of the ReactJs developers, and select the right candidates for your team.

 Make an Inquiry
Make an Inquiry

Just make an inquiry through any medium (Website form/Email/WhatsApp/Skype chat/Call), so our team can connect you with all the details and proposals.

Shortlist CVs
Shortlist CVs

Once we agree on the terms and conditions, we will provide you with CVs of available ReactJS resources, from which you can shortlist the candidates

Take Interview
Take Interview

We will also schedule video interviews with the shortlisted candidates, so you can directly evaluate all their skills and select the resources you need.

Add resources
Add resources to your team

Once you select the resource, we can assign them to your team within 1-2 days, so you have an experienced ReactJs resource added to your team

Hire our ReactJS developers for your project of any type

Our team has experience working not just on React.js technology stack but our expertise also includes HTML5 + CSS3, Fundamental JavaScript + ESX, JSX, Redux, Basic MERN stack, DOM manipulation, etc.;

ReactJS Development Services

ReactJS Development Services

Our resources are capable of taking up the development of any type of project using ReactJS - right from a simple dynamic website, to a complex web application

ReactJS UI and UX Development

ReactJS UI and UX Development

Our team is experienced in working on the UX and UI of React-based applications, to achieve the interaction design exactly as envisioned by the UX designer

ReactJS Frontend Development

ReactJS Frontend Development

UI development or front-end development using React is one of our core strengths where we have completed hundreds of projects.

ReactJS Migration Services

ReactJS Migration Services

Our team is well-versed in migrating your existing apps to React-based applications without any hassles or headaches

ReactJS Plugin Development

ReactJS Plugin Development

Our team can also handle custom React Plugin development, as per your requirement, related to your web application.

ReactJS Integration Services

ReactJS Integration Services

If you want to integrate any of your existing systems or technologies with ReactJs, our team can help you out with every possible solution.

Key Skills of Our Expert ReactJS Developers

ReactJS Developers


Hands-on working experience in building Enterprise-ready ReactJS Web Applications, leveraging the greater scalability and flexibility, and quicker rendering with the virtual DOM of React.js


One of our key offerings is the React JS integrations, where we can combine the back-end agnostic React.js with almost the major back-end frameworks like Node JS, PHP, Django, Typescript, Bootstrap, Spring Boot, Firebase, etc


Our team is experienced in all kinds of ReactJS Support, Maintenance, and Testing services including Functional Testing, Performance Testing, and Usability Testing.


Acodez has completed more than a hundred ReactJS Front-end Web Development projects for our clients and our team is well experienced in the integration of UIs like Semantic UI, Material UI library etc


Our developers have expertise in Redux ReactNative Development, as we’re highly experienced in using Redux, a standalone state management library, to React Native framework, for state management.


Building Progressive Web App (PWA) using React is one of our other offerings. As React.js has a faster rendering and also provides easy reusability of codes, it is one of the leading choices for PWAs.

Technology Stack Our Expert ReactJS Developers Are Well Versed In

We are well versed in a bunch of React-related tools and technologies which equip us to undertake any kind of ReactJs projects or tasks. Have a look at them:

Languages and Technologies

  • Node JS
  • SQL
  • HTML & CSS
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Javascript
  • PHP


  • Socket.IO
  • Velocity.JS
  • Canvas
  • KendoReact
  • Redux

UI Toolkits

  • Material kit
  • ReactAntDesign
  • Blueprint
  • Semantic UI
  • Onsen UI
  • Rebass
  • Grommet
  • React-bootstrap
  • Chakra-UI
  • ReactStrap
  • Prime React
  • React Foundation


  • WordPress
  • Drupal
  • Springboot
  • Next.js
  • Gatsby
  • Express.js
  • SOAP
  • React suite
  • Meteor.js


  • MongoDB
  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL DynamoDB
  • ElasticSearch RethinkDB
  • SQLite
  • CouchDB

Hosting Platforms

  • AWS EC2
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Docker
  • Heroku
  • Firebase
  • RackSpace
  • Kubernetes
  • Dapr
  • Azure
  • AWS Lambda
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP)


  • JSX
  • Typescript
  • Routing
  • Hooks
  • Gulp
  • HOC
  • Redis
  • Mobx

We build world-class,
award-winning apps.

We are an international award-winning IT company with 6 offices across India, and offers web design, web development and digital marketing services.



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Development, Branding, Product, Marketing

365 Pilots

365 Pilots

Development, Branding, Product, Marketing

e Learning

e Learning

Development, Branding, Product, Marketing

See our Awesome Clients


How We Engage

We offer very flexible engagement models for hiring our React JS resources. We offer 3 packages - monthly hiring, yearly hiring, and hourly hiring - so as to offer our clients to choose the model that suits their requirement the best.


The hourly pricing model suits customers who have smaller requirements that normally could be completed within in a few hours or a few days max.


Our monthly plan is the most popular plan among our customers where they hire our resource for a full month and start assigning themselves and managing their work.


The yearly plan suits customers that have requirements for larger applications that require a longer time period of engagement from our resources

Start a project within 2 days!

We are an international award-winning IT company with 6 offices across India, and offers web design, web development and digital marketing services.

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React Js FAQ

What are the benefits of hiring dedicated ReactJS developers?

ReactJs is one of the most popular technologies for front-end development currently. Hiring dedicated ReactJs developers with real skill and experience, can help you build your front-end development team up and running in just a couple of days. ReactJs developers can be used for developing web applications, cross-platform compatible mobile applications, and complex websites and web portals. Acodez is a leading web development company in India. With our expert team, you will benefit from high-performance applications and overall efficiency

How do I ensure that the ReactJS developers I hire have the necessary skills and experience?

Some of the tips on hiring a skilled ReactJs developer are:
  • Look for someone who has certain experience in this domain
  • Check the candidate's portfolio and their previous works
  • Enquire with them regarding certain technical questions to find out their skill set and make sure they are proficient
  • To avoid any misunderstanding, enlighten them about what you are expecting from them
  • Check out their communication skills, as communication is a key factor in completing the project effectively

Can I hire a ReactJS developer on a part-time or full-time basis?

Of course, based on your requirements you can hire ReactJs developers on a contract basis, part-time, or on a full-time basis. If you are preferring to hire a remote ReactJs developer, make sure you go through their previous works and determine their ability to work independently.

How much does it cost to hire a dedicated ReactJS developer?

The cost will be based on the experience the hired ReactJs developer possesses and it would be ideal to hire the resource that suits your requirement. If you are having complex tasks, it’d be better to hire a senior resource and if it’s comparatively easier, you can hire junior resources for the same. We, at Acodez are a leading web application development company in India and offer the most competitive rates in the market for resources with top-notch experience in React Js projects.

What kind of projects can your ReactJS developers work on?

Our brilliant team works on almost all types of React projects such as Web applications, Real-time applications, Social media apps, E-commerce apps, messaging apps, Data dashboards & visualization tools, and many more. Our professional team possesses years of experience in the field and comes up with effective strategies and tools in completing the project more successfully

How do your ReactJS developers ensure the security and confidentiality of my project?

Our ReactJs developers follow a different approach to ensure the security and confidentiality of your project such as securing basic authentication, ensuring that the HTML code is resilient, securing React APIs, implementing WAF (Web Application Firewall), not serializing sensitive data, setting up proper file management and utilizing allows/blocklist as well as validation while parsing URL. Also we adhere to a strict NDA policy which ensures full confidentiality of your project.

How do your ReactJS developers ensure the quality of their work?

We have experienced software testers who acquire a deeper insight into the ReactJs framework and they do a thorough test that involves both manual and automatic testing to determine the usability, functionality, and performance of your application. Some of them include:
  • ReactJs end-to-end testing
  • ReactJs automation testing
  • ReactJs component testing
  • ReactJs integration testing
  • ReactJs snapshot testing
  • ReactJs unit testing
  • Manual testing

Can your ReactJS developers work on both front-end and back-end development tasks?

Without any doubt Yes, Our ReactJs developers hold years of successful expertise in working on both front-end and back-end development tasks. We, Acodez IT Solutions are a leading React Js development company in India and have successfully completed more than 100+ React JS projects to our clients in 80+ countries. Our 100+ member team includes both React front-end developers and full stack developers in MERN stack.

Can I hire a ReactJS developer for a short-term project or just for bug fixing?

Acodez offers hiring for short-term (monthly), long-term (yearly) projects and we also offer hourly pricing too. Even though it’s a one-time project, we have various teams at different stages of a project to give you a more satisfactory outcome.

Can your ReactJS developers provide maintenance and support for my ReactJS application after its development is complete?

Yes, we do offer ReactJs support and maintenance services for the developed applications. Our team of experienced professionals are one of the best ReactJs developers in India who have in-depth knowledge and understanding of the ReactJs framework will assist you with any support that you require.

Looking for Other Services?

Explore our other related services to enhance the performance of your digital product.