17Nov 2015

Debunking The Myths Of UI Design

User Interface of a website or a mobile application is the way the users interact with the rather complex system. It is the tool by which the user is able to execute the commands without the need to understand the complexity of the system which execute the commands. It is understandably clear that UI must be simple and easy to use or the users will be bogged down by its complexity and will prefer not to use it. User Interface is thus designed keeping in mind the end users and their ability to maneuver the system.

A web application or a mobile phone application is created to make things simple for the users. For instance, the e-commerce portals and applications let you shop for products or services sitting in the comfort of your home. It is possible for the users to shop online using the complex e-commerce system only because of a simplistic User Interface which displays certain buttons, keys and labels which constitute the website or the application. There are several myths related to web designing of user interfaces which need to be busted.

Design is a luxury:

Good design does come at a price but certainly not a luxury. It is a necessity if you wish to develop a website that offer unmatched user experience which is better than your rivals. The role of great design must never be underestimated and special attention should be given to this part as the user interface is something that draw the users to the web page and keep them glued to the website.

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Customer solution is too tough to develop:

The user experience must be formed around what the users expect from the design. You can anticipate the trends by assessing what people are liking and what not. Once you identify the trend and the inclination of the users, you are half way through the process. From here, the solution is not tough to develop. Skilled programmers can accomplish the task easily once the they are clear about what they have to develop.

The UI design must be distributed in components:

It is a common myth that the UI design has to be distributed in components. Dividing the entire design into modules and assigning each to one designer will result in an end product which is like a mix of preferences. This practice is best for software development where creativity does not account for in the process. It is best that the design is built as one piece and not as components.

Problem of distributed design is solved by UI guidelines:

Following the UI guidelines does not solve the problem of distributed design. As mentioned earlier, this approach works best for software development where your code does not affect the appearance of the user interface. A user cannot make out if two modules of a web application have different logics for solving the same problem. However, if two pages of a website look differently, the users can easily identify it.

Usability is given top priority in software development companies:

The sad aspect is that usability is the most misconstrued terms. Most of the software companies do not pay sufficient attention to usability and concentrate more on the logical aspect of the application. They fail to understand that the user is least bothered about how the website works. What interests them more is how the website appears and how easy it is to use the website. This myth must be debunked and the companies should actually give utmost attention to the usability aspect of the web design.

Usability and functionality have different requirements:

Usability and functionality of the website go hand in hand. They do not have different requirements and usually work towards the same goal of enhancing the user experience. Usability and functionality are factors that constitute the user experience and hence both should be in place to make for a complete user interface. When the functionality of the web application meets great design, the outcome is always pleasing to the users. If any of the components is missing, the UX is said to be flawed.

Coding and designing of UI can be done by the same professional:

To create a design and implement is two different things. Conceiving a design needs you to be creative and imaginative. It does not require special skills. However, to implement those designs on the website, you need to have good command over the technologies like HTML, CSS, JQuery, etc. It is hence a myth to think that same individual can carry out both the processes. However, exceptions can be found everywhere.

Innovative always yields a better design:

Innovation may not always mean a better web design. The innovation that you are supposedly carrying out may not produce a design which is lined with the users’ requirement and the trend. It is often observed that innovation yields designs which are not better than the previous design. Such attempts may sometimes backfire. Users must also not be misguided by the claims of an innovated website as the outcome may not be as attractive as they are made out to be.

Following the users’ feedback blindly:

Users’ feedbacks are certainly the reflection of what they think about the design. However, you must be careful when you go through that feedback. You must never hurriedly come to any conclusion and change the entire design. Never abandon reason and subject the feedbacks to interpretation. The feedback from few users cannot dictate you to change the entire design. You must look for the common concerns raised by the users if there are any, If most of the users point toward some common issue, you may require to address them.

These are some of the myths about usability that is required to bust. They often affect the end product and also the design process. Sooner these myths are eliminated, better the design process will be. Moreover, the myths listed here are some of the most common misconception and there are many more that is yet to be addressed.

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Credits: Image

Inspiration: Article Source // Author – Paul Smith

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  1. Paul Smith

    You don’t feel any obligation to reference the source of your list?

    1. Admin Post author

      Apologies, we’ve just updated the ref. link now.

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