26Jul 2024

How To Do Competitor Analysis in Digital Marketing

Knowing your competitor’s progress should be on your priority list as a business owner. Some businesses begin a competitor analysis strategy but fail to maintain it. Knowing what your peers are up to helps determine your position in the market.

Knowing your competitor’s progress is difficult since most companies will not want to disclose information about how they are fairing. It is normal as a business owner not to know your competitor’s every trend, tactic, management system, offer, etc. 

Some companies get to know new trends easily due to accessible resources. Doing competitor analysis in digital marketing should be taken positively. You should understand that you can not incorporate everything you learn from your competitors; if you feel you need to, it should be a gradual process.

This article will discuss competitive analysis, why it is important in digital marketing, and ways you can source information from your competitors.

What Is Competitor Analysis?

The competitive analysis process is finding competitors in your business and learning about their various marketing methods. You can compare this data to that of your competitors to determine your company’s advantages and disadvantages.

The competitive analysis might take many different forms depending on what you want to discover about your competitors. You might conduct a competitive analysis centered on a certain factor or take a broad look at their entire marketing strategy. The ultimate objective is to assist you in identifying your capabilities and expanding your clientele.

What Is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing produces and distributes content via digital media channels, such as websites, landing pages, social media, email, and mobile applications.

It also includes promoting content through a range of paid, earned and owned digital channels, such as SEO, SEM, pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, content syndication, social media, etc.

Global spending on digital advertising was anticipated to reach $566 billion in 2022, and this sum is expected to grow further in the following years. By 2025, digital advertising income is expected to reach 700 billion US dollars, according to the most recent estimates.

Everything in business today is digital, and digital marketing has permeated almost every aspect. This has fundamentally altered how businesses interact with their clients and provide them with value.

Importance of Competitor Analysis in Digital Marketing 

When analyzing competitors, being proactive rather than reactive is essential to your company’s success. It’s crucial to analyze competitors because:

1. They Help in Identifying Gaps and Opportunities 

When you start a company, you see a chance for growth that would significantly affect your target market and the industry. Higher profit margins may result from this potential. A competitor analysis reveals fresh business opportunities and new customer acquisition strategies.

2. Offers a Chance for the Development of New Products and Services

A successful competitive analysis strategy will give you more ideas for new products and services. You should conduct a SWOT analysis to determine which items appeal to your core demographic. This will enable you to determine what can be moved to the manufacturing phase to compete favorably with your rivals.

3. Help in Identifying Useful Trends

Finding business opportunities requires looking at your sector’s market dynamics and customer behavior. Currently, most companies are making updates about almost everything they are offering. 

You can learn all these trends from all types of competitors. With more customers opting to use online services, you can improve their online experience, generating leads and boosting sales. To accurately identify and respond to unique findings from your research, create a schedule for measuring specific customer behaviors.

4. Shows How To Manage Successful Marketing and Sales Initiatives

After you’ve completed your competitor analysis, you should be able to use the data you’ve gathered to evaluate the effectiveness of your advertising and distribution initiatives. Include elevated marketing tactics in your research to see how competitors engage with their target audiences. 

Key performance indicators (KPIs) for advertising projects may use visible performance measures. Including click-through rate, engagement rate, and return on ad spend. You may also see how you might use a combination of marketing and advertising to attract new clients. Through this, you boost your sales and maintain a reliable marketing strategy for a long time.

What To Consider When Designing Competitive Analysis Templates

Competitor Analysis Template
Competitor Analysis Template – Image Source: Venngage

Competitive analysis templates help you assess the competitive environment for businesses, products, and services.

Using a straightforward competitive analysis template, you can respond to the following queries:

  • Who are the other businesses you are up against?
  • What sort of contrast does your offering make?
  • What distinguishes you?
  • What can you learn from what your rivals are doing well?

Depending on the specific use case, you might wish to modify the Competitive analysis template. Below are factors to consider in competitor analysis in digital marketing templates.

1. Figuring Out Your Competitor’s Position In the Market 

 Figuring Out Your Competitor's Position In the Market 

You’ll need to identify your true rivals to compare the data accurately. What is successful at a business like yours might not be successful for your brand. As a business owner, you compete directly, indirectly, or tertiary with your rivals as a business owner.

Businesses that operate in the same region and provide goods or services that could be mistaken for yours as direct competitors. Indirect competitors’ products differ from yours, but they can still meet your customers’ needs or help you with your issues. Tertiary competitors are closely connected companies that may target the same market as you. Still, they do not directly sell the same goods or compete directly with you. If they decide to grow their business, they can become future rivals.

Often business owners focus only on direct competitors. You will not want to spend most of your time studying indirect consumers, as they have a limited impact on your business. This doesn’t mean you toss competitor analysis for your indirect rivals completely. 

The market can change at any time, and if you aren’t continually monitoring it, you won’t be aware of these changes until it is too late.

Also, the most effective marketing strategy for a company is positioning. Effective placement keeps your target audience interested and engaged for longer. Your messaging, values, and overarching business strategy are also influenced by it.

Understanding your competition’s positioning is crucial in discovering how to set yourself apart and develop a positive reputation in the eyes of your clients. In order to justify your rates and raise brand awareness, differentiation is also important for your business’s bottom line.

2. Determining What Products or Services Your Competitors Are Offering

While performing competitor analysis in digital marketing, you need to listen attentively about the product and services offered. Every business is defined by what it offers. In the digital marketing era, getting your competitor’s information on different social media marketing tools is easy. 

Each business also has a way of offering services such as discounts. They might be your direct rivals, but depending on their quality and customer care services, they might be ahead of you. Always read internet reviews to see why people chose the brands in your target market.

Some of the things to consider about your rival services and products include the following:

  • Are they cheap or expensive providers?
  • Do they primarily focus on one-time purchases or high-volume sales?
  • Exactly what is their market share?
  • What traits and requirements do their ideal clients possess?
  • Do they have different pricing policies for physical and mortar stores compared to internet purchases?
  • How does the business set itself apart from its rivals?
  • How are their goods and services distributed?

Also, you might be the service provider who has priced your goods a bit high. Consider making your product or service more expensive than usual prices in the market if you believe it has qualities superior to those of a competitor’s offering. If you do that, you’ll need to make sure you are prepared to justify why your product is worth the extra money.

Pricing of products is attached with more various factors. It is one of the main factors in attracting and retaining customers. Your goal will always be to make money, regardless of the standards, trends, or competitors in your sector or surrounding your product.

3. Learning About Rivals Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats by Conducting a SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis – Source of Image: MSP Guide

Get into the habit of conducting a quick SWOT analysis simultaneously as you examine each element of your competitor’s study. This implies that you’ll consider your rival’s advantages, disadvantages, opportunities, and threats every time you evaluate an average ranking.

SWOT analysis is a framework used to assess a company’s competitive position and to create strategic planning. It stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The SWOT analysis evaluates internal and external variables and present and anticipated future situations.

  • Strengths – The elements of a project or scenario that are doing well and that people are proud to mention.
  • Weakness – The elements that are slowing the organization down. 
  • Opportunities – These are ideas for enhancing strengths and overcoming weaknesses.
  • Threats – The factors that limit or jeopardize the variety of changing chances.

Conducting competitor analysis will help you answer the following questions:

  • What does your rival do well? Is it blogging? Are there good videos and pictures in their advertisements? Is it discounts on products and services?
  • Where does your rival’s brand have the upper hand over yours?
  • What is your competitor’s weakest point?
  • Where does your company’s brand have the upper hand over its rivals?
  • What could they improve upon?
  • Which areas do you think this rival poses a danger in?
  • Are there any market prospects that your rival has spotted?

By conducting a SWOT analysis on your entity and your competitor, you get to fill any gaps available in your entity to compete favorably.

4. Checking the Platforms, Your Competitors Are Using for Advertising and Media Placements

The key to the most prosperous eCommerce stores is marketing. Unfortunately, most companies neglect to evaluate the marketing strategies of their rivals. They make the mistake of assuming that everyone uses Instagram, advertises on Facebook, and optimizes their website for search. Conducting competitor analysis in digital marketing will help you understand what platform is being utilized the most.

You should always check which social media sites your rivals are utilizing the most to assess their organic posts. What sort of content, for instance, and how frequently do they share it? Which blog posts have the most comments? Some social media, such as Facebook and TikTok, have a lot of users. This implies that most digital marketers will want to post on such platforms. 

Ensure to be on the lookout for social media paid advertisements. You can always check the ad libraries of each platform to see if your rivals are running advertisements there. 

You may use Chrome extensions like Google Ads Auction Insights, Wappalyzer, or Ghostery to discover the types of ads that your rivals and the top players in your field are running, as well as the phrases and search terms that they are bidding on and the amount of money they are investing. 

To do a marketing analysis of paid advertising techniques, use SEMrush rather than manually reviewing all paid search platforms.

Wappalyzer – Image Source: Twaino

Get hands-on with your competitive research in addition to the research you conduct using software and tools. Consider yourself a potential client, and investigate the marketing strategies of your rivals.

Some tactics you can use are: registering for their newsletters, blogs, and social networking accounts, leaving a product in the shopping cart, and making a purchase. Ensure l to take notes on each tactic you encounter while you carry out these tasks so that you may later review your results.

You can identify fascinating strategies your rivals are doing to draw in new customers and increase sales by observing their methods for preventing cart abandonment and how they provide support on social media and other platforms.

Examples of Competitor Analysis 

With an understanding of the importance and factors of competition analysis, we can look at different information available in the analysis. The items listed below are examples of what is often present in a competitor analysis template.

1. Costs 

This involves estimating the costs of your competitors’ products. Each company prices its products according to the operational costs involved. You might offer the same product as your competitor, but the price differs. It is your job to find out why the prices vary and explain the price differences to the consumer.

2. Brand Awareness

Brand Awareness

The percentage of your target market that is familiar with your competitor’s brand is included in this. Customers are more likely to buy goods and services from a well-known company. It is your responsibility to determine why they are devoted to your rival and to either implement new methods or enhance the ones you already have.

3. Customer Experience

Customer happiness is the fundamental component of the customer experience. The user experience, customer care services, and client interaction all significantly affect how an entity is seen. Finding out how your rivals are handling their customers’ grievances and needs.

4. Marketing 

A number of processes are involved in marketing, including product development, branding, promotion, distribution, and price. Each business uses marketing in a different way to draw customers. 

You may learn about the various digital marketing strategies using competition analysis. The various tools you might use to evaluate your competitors’ marketing strategies have been covered above.

5. Organization Culture 

The general set of principles, standards, practices, and customs that dictate an organization’s behavior and act as a basis for every team member in making decisions or acting on behalf of the organization is termed its culture.

An effective work culture always acts as a performance booster, whereas a dysfunctional work culture creates traits that can deter even the most successful businesses.

All facets of your company are impacted by organizational culture, from contract terms and employee perks to timeliness and tone. Your employees are more likely to feel at ease, supported, and valued when your workplace culture matches their preferences. 

Companies that emphasize culture greatly are better able to withstand challenging times and changes in the business environment. So compare your rival organization’s culture with yours to see what they may be doing better or worse. Both scenarios are opportunities.


Competitor analysis is difficult, especially when evaluating several businesses and goods simultaneously, but it offers various advantages. It helps identify gaps and opportunities in your entity, identify useful trends, offer a chance to develop new products and services, and manage your marketing initiatives.

Before conducting competitor analysis in digital marketing, you must have a template. Factors to consider in your analysis include the market position of your rival—the product and services they offer, their marketing strategies, their brand awareness, organizational culture, etc.

Digital marketing has been aiding various businesses in achieving their goals. Organizations now get to showcase their work on different social platforms and tools. Even if your business is new, do not shy away from sharing your work on the platforms. Incorporate some strategies that the big companies are already using. Remember that not everything that works for your rival will work for you.

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Rithesh Raghavan

Rithesh Raghavan

Rithesh Raghavan, Co-Founder, and Director at Acodez IT Solutions, who has a rich experience of 16+ years in IT & Digital Marketing. Between his busy schedule, whenever he finds the time he writes up his thoughts on the latest trends and developments in the world of IT and software development. All thanks to his master brain behind the gleaming success of Acodez.

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