16Aug 2023

Acodie Interview Series: Nithin Manchanda, Founder of Botpresso

Meet Nithin Manchanda, the driving force behind Botpresso and a true digital marketing maverick. Starting as an engineer, Nithin’s fascination with making things easier led him to become an SEO expert. Since 2012, he’s been on a mission to crack the code of online visibility, always eager to try new and exciting strategies.

Nithin isn’t content with the usual SEO playbook – he’s a pioneer. He explores advanced tactics like using machines to create content, enhancing internal links, and automating SEO expansion. Having steered SEO teams for big names like trivago and Omio, Nithin has a knack for growing brands in various fields, from online shopping to healthcare.

Sharing his wisdom is second nature to Nithin. He’s a frequent speaker at events, breaking down complex ideas into plain language. As the Chief SEO Consultant at Botpresso, Nithin keeps pushing the boundaries of digital marketing, making a lasting impact and inspiring growth.

Nitin Manchanda

How will SEO change as Google places more emphasis on user experience with their Page Experience Update, and what are some tips for optimizing a website’s user experience for SEO?

During my talk at the brightonSEO conference in 2023, I focused on the topic ‘Data-Driven Approach to Scale SEO’ and one of the emphasis points remains the need to always focus on meeting search intent. 

Assuming a website complies with the quality signals Google outlines in its Page Experience Update (see Google Search Central publication), the next question that pops up is whether a website offers utility to users.  Let me give a practical example. When you enter the term ‘Keyword Research Tools’, you notice the top-ranking results provide a numbered list, for the search query. It means that Google sees this as the best approach to meeting search intent. Even tools such as ‘Semrush’ which is known to offer research, use a similar approach. Such is the magnanimity of user experience and its impact on organic rankings. Resonate with the user intent, and epitomize this in your website. 

Google’s user experience looks at the interaction between users and a page beyond the information value. That raises another different paradigm. In this regard, my hunch is the prominence of AMP as a yardstick for websites to maximize user experience

Accelerated Mobile Page will start competing on SERP. In most instances, AMP tends to perform well when it comes to user experience and this development aims to develop and reward this. Based on Google’s assessment of your AMP content, the same metrics will be used to assign rankings. Therefore, if a webpage harnesses and maximizes user experience on its AMP, chances are these results will transfer to the rankings. This is one of the main factors likely to shape SEO moving forward. 

In summary, here are the standard website guidelines to follow in optimizing user experience: 

  • Largest Content Paint which measures loading performance. Ensure it’s below 2.5 seconds after the page starts loading. 
  • Cumulative Layout Shift focuses on visual stability, and should ideally be less than 0.1. 
  • To ensure a positive initial impression when users interact with a website, it is crucial to focus on minimizing the First Input Delay (FID) to less than 100 milliseconds. FID measures the time from the first click or link on a site to when the browser is able to respond and display the content.
  • However, it’s important to note that FID will soon be replaced by a new metric called Input-Responsiveness (INP). INP provides a broader assessment of a page’s overall responsiveness to user interactions, including clicks, taps, and keyboard inputs throughout the user’s visit. INP considers the latency of all interactions, excluding any outliers, and the final value is determined by the longest observed interaction.
  • By prioritizing INP, web developers and designers can optimize a website’s responsiveness to user actions, ensuring a smooth and seamless experience. This approach acknowledges the significance of timely responses to user interactions, making it essential to deliver a satisfying user experience.
  • HTTPS secure certification 
  • No interstitial content for promotional purposes since this limits user convenience and confuses search engines on the purpose of a website 
  • Mobile-friendliness. Ensure this metric is duly optimized. 

Until Google comes up with further updates, which is likely, SEO must start by adhering to these guidelines. Truth is, this may not be adequate to rank due to a divergence of factors such as competition, quality and relevance of content, niche, etc. However, these serve as benchmarks for setting a website to a path of optimal user experience. 

How can businesses use AI-powered chatbots to improve their SEO, and what strategies should they use to make sure their chatbot content is search-friendly?

Enter ChapGPT and OpenAI and the SEO world is in a meltdown; understandably so. I’m a fan of artificial intelligence and its ability to increase speed and efficiency. At Botpresso, we use AI to help us execute tasks faster though with human hindsight. That said, chatbots present an opportunity to enhance search strategies and drive organic traffic. 


AI-powered chatbots have indeed revolutionized the field of SEO, offering immense potential to drive growth, enhance productivity, and improve search visibility. In the context of businesses and individuals utilizing AI-powered chatbots like Bard, ChatGPT, Perplexity.ai, and Auto GPT, here’s how they can be leveraged to boost SEO efforts:

Advanced content creation: AI-powered chatbots enable businesses to automate content generation, resulting in increased productivity and efficiency. These chatbots can assist in creating high-quality, relevant, and engaging content by analyzing vast amounts of data, identifying trends, and generating unique insights. This ensures a steady stream of search-friendly content, tailored to the target audience’s needs and preferences.

Enhanced keyword research: AI-powered chatbots can significantly aid SEO professionals in conducting comprehensive keyword research. By utilizing natural language processing capabilities, these chatbots can analyze search queries, identify search trends, and suggest relevant keywords and phrases. This helps businesses optimize their content with the right keywords, increasing its visibility in search engine results.

Prompt mastery for chatbot training: Businesses can leverage AI-powered chatbots’ prompt-based training models to enhance their SEO efforts. By carefully crafting prompts, businesses can train chatbots to generate optimized content, develop meta descriptions, title tags, and even identify potential backlink opportunities. This approach allows SEO professionals to save time, improve accuracy, and drive more targeted organic traffic to their websites.

Efficient data analysis: AI-powered chatbots possess exceptional data processing capabilities. They can analyze vast amounts of data, including website analytics, user behavior, and competitor insights. By leveraging this data, businesses can gain valuable SEO insights and make informed decisions to optimize their website’s performance, identify content gaps, and refine their overall SEO strategy.

Real-time user engagement: AI-powered chatbots enable businesses to engage with users in real-time, providing personalized recommendations, answering queries, and addressing concerns promptly. This level of interaction improves the user experience, increases dwell time, and signals search engines that the website provides valuable information, ultimately boosting SEO rankings.

To ensure chatbot content is search-friendly, businesses should follow these strategies:

a. Relevant and comprehensive answers: Chatbots should provide accurate and informative responses to user queries, addressing their needs effectively. This helps improve the user experience and encourages users to engage further with the website.

b. Optimized content structure: Chatbot-generated content should be well-structured, using headings, subheadings, and bullet points to improve readability and scannability. Proper formatting makes it easier for search engines and users to navigate and understand the content.

c. Keyword optimization: Incorporate relevant keywords naturally into chatbot responses and generated content. This helps search engines understand the content’s context and improve its visibility in search results.

d. Regular content updates: Keep chatbot content up-to-date by periodically reviewing and refreshing the information it provides. This demonstrates relevance, encourages repeat visits, and signals search engines that the website is actively maintained.

e. Monitoring and refining: Continuously monitor chatbot performance, user interactions, and feedback to identify areas for improvement. Refine the chatbot’s responses and content based on user behavior and evolving search trends.

AI-powered chatbots have propelled the field of SEO forward, offering SEO professionals productivity gains, efficient research capabilities, and data-driven insights. By mastering prompts, leveraging AI chatbot models, and following search-friendly strategies, businesses can harness the power of AI to improve their SEO, enhance user experiences, and drive organic growth.

What are some ways businesses can optimize their content for local SEO, and what factors are most important for ranking in local search results?

Certainly! Optimizing content for local SEO is crucial for businesses looking to attract customers within a specific geographic area. Here are some effective strategies to optimize content for local SEO, along with the most important factors for ranking in local search results:

  1. Claim and optimize your Google My Business listing: A well-optimized Google My Business (GMB) listing is essential for local SEO. Claim your business profile, ensuring accurate information such as name, address, phone number (NAP), and business hours. Include relevant keywords, select appropriate categories, and regularly update your GMB listing with posts, photos, and customer reviews.
  2. Target local keywords: Incorporate location-specific keywords naturally into your content, including in titles, headings, meta tags, and throughout the body text. Focus on keywords that include your city, neighborhood, or other relevant local identifiers to improve your visibility in local search results.
  3. Create localized landing pages: Develop dedicated landing pages that target specific locations or service areas. Customize the content to highlight local information, testimonials, and references to nearby landmarks or attractions. This signals to search engines that your business is relevant to those specific locations.
  4. Generate online reviews: Encourage your satisfied customers to leave reviews on platforms like Google, Yelp, and industry-specific directories. Positive reviews not only influence potential customers but also impact your local search rankings. Responding to reviews, whether positive or negative, also demonstrates your engagement and commitment to customer satisfaction.
  5. Build local citations: Ensure your business information is consistent across various online directories and citation sources. This includes NAP details, website URL, and other relevant data. Focus on prominent local directories and industry-specific platforms that are popular in your target area.
  6. Implement structured data markup: Use schema markup to provide search engines with structured information about your business, such as your address, phone number, business type, operating hours, and customer reviews. This helps search engines better understand your business and display rich snippets in search results.
  7. Optimize for mobile devices: With the increasing use of smartphones, optimizing your website for mobile devices is critical for local SEO. Ensure your website is mobile-friendly, loads quickly, and offers a seamless user experience across different devices. Mobile responsiveness is a crucial ranking factor for local search results.

To summarize the paradigm of what’s most critical for local SEO, the MAIN factors to consider are proximity, relevance, and prominence. Proximity refers to how close the business is to the searcher’s location, relevance refers to how well the business matches the searcher’s intent and query, and prominence refers to how well-known and popular the business is online. By optimizing your content for these factors, you can improve your chances of ranking well in local search results.

Automation can greatly streamline local SEO tasks. Here are some examples of how automation can be beneficial:

a. Local listing management: Tools like Yext, Moz Local, and BrightLocal can automate the process of managing and updating your business information across multiple directories, saving time and ensuring consistency.

b. Review monitoring: Platforms such as Google Alerts, ReviewTrackers, or Social Mention can automate the process of monitoring online reviews and notifying you of new feedback, allowing you to respond promptly.

c. Reporting and analytics: SEO tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console can provide automated reports on local search performance, website traffic, and user behavior, helping you track and analyze key metrics.

Optimizing content for local SEO requires a strategic approach that focuses on local keywords, leveraging online reviews and citations, and maintaining accurate and consistent business information. Embracing automation tools can significantly enhance efficiency, allowing businesses to stay on top of local SEO tasks and adapt to ever-changing search algorithms.

How can businesses optimize their visual content (such as images and videos) for search, and what role do you think visual search will play in the future of SEO?

Optimizing visual content for search is essential to enhance the overall SEO performance of a website. Here are some strategies to optimize images and videos for search, along with the future role of visual search in SEO:

  1. Image optimization

To optimize images for search, businesses should consider the following practices:
a. Filename and alt text: Use descriptive filenames and alt text that accurately describe the content and include relevant keywords.
b. Image size and compression: Optimize image file sizes without sacrificing quality to ensure faster loading times, which positively impacts user experience and SEO rankings.
c. Captions and context: Provide captions or context around images to provide search engines with additional information and improve accessibility for users.
d. Image sitemaps: Include image URLs in your website’s sitemap to ensure search engines can crawl and index your visual content effectively.
e. Structured data markup: Implement schema markup to provide search engines with specific details about your images, such as the image subject, license information, or author details.

  1. Video optimization

 YouTube is a powerful platform for video content, and optimizing videos for search can greatly enhance visibility. Consider the following tactics:
a. Keyword research: Identify relevant keywords and incorporate them into video titles, descriptions, and tags. Conduct thorough research to understand what your target audience is searching for.
b. Engaging thumbnails: Create eye-catching thumbnails that accurately represent the video’s content and entice users to click.
c. Descriptive titles and descriptions: Craft compelling titles and descriptions that include keywords and accurately summarize the video’s content.
d. Closed captions and subtitles: Include closed captions or subtitles in your videos to improve accessibility and make your content available to a broader audience. These can also be indexed by search engines.
e. End screens and annotations: Utilize end screens and annotations to encourage users to engage further with your content, subscribe to your channel, or explore related videos.
f. Promotion and sharing: Promote your videos through various channels, including social media, blog posts, and newsletters, to increase views, engagement, and potential backlinks.

Visual search is gaining prominence and is expected to play a significant role in the future of SEO. With advancements in AI and image recognition technology, search engines are becoming more capable of understanding and indexing visual content. 

Here’s the future role of visual search in SEO:

  1. Improved user experience: Visual search allows users to discover information visually, making the search process more intuitive and user-friendly. Users can search for products, landmarks, or objects simply by capturing images, leading to enhanced engagement and satisfaction.
  2. Enhanced e-commerce opportunities: Visual search has the potential to revolutionize the e-commerce industry. Users can find products similar to the ones they captured or explore visually related items, enabling businesses to showcase their offerings and improve conversion rates.
  3. Evolving SEO strategies: As visual search gains traction, businesses will need to adapt their SEO strategies to optimize their visual content, including images and videos, to be more discoverable in visual search results. This includes optimizing alt text, image tags, and incorporating structured data for visual elements.
  4. Integration of AI and machine learning: Visual search heavily relies on AI and machine learning algorithms to analyze and understand visual content. This integration will continue to advance, allowing search engines to provide more accurate and relevant visual search results.

Visual search is expected to play a more significant role. With the rise of visual search engines like Google Lens and Pinterest Lens, users can now search for visual content by taking a picture or uploading an image. This dynamic shift underscores the significance of optimizing visual content for search, as it empowers businesses with the opportunity to prominently feature in the coveted realm of visual search results. By capitalizing on this trend, enterprises can tap into an exhilarating realm of possibilities and augment their online presence with a touch of visual prowess.

With Google’s move to mobile-first indexing, what steps should businesses take to ensure their website is optimized for mobile search, and what impact will this have on the future of SEO?

As Google factually observes, we truly live in a mobile-first world. Most people now browse using their mobile devices. However, I strongly believe mobile-first infers the aforementioned aspects of Page Experience with Google prioritizing mobile versions rather than desktop formats. 

Mobile indexing doesn’t imply there are two versions of the same page that Google considers. It means Google primarily crawls and indexes the mobile outlook. As good practice and tip to improve ranking, use similar URLs for both desktop and mobile web versions. 

I could go on and on about mobile-first indexing but here are the brief points most relevant to this issue: 

  • Guarantee that Google bots easily access and render pages and resources for both desktop and mobile versions. 
  • Have similar robot meta tags for both mobile and desktop formats. 
  • The structured data across the mobile and desktop versions are also similar. 
  • Optimize your visual content, with similar alt tags across both versions and also their URLs don’t change every time a page loads. 
  • Have a responsive and adaptive design that adjusts according to screen size, or the device being used. 

Google provides a detailed summary of these factors on its resources page. 

What are some key insights or lessons that you gained from your time working at trivago, Omio, Flipkart, and Botpresso, and how have they shaped your approach to work and problem-solving?

While I acquired most of my experience working with these global brands, the best lesson must be human resource management. Building Botpresso and leading a team of SEO practitioners comes with a fair share of challenges. These brands taught me the value of maintaining organic interactions with employees by constantly harnessing team dynamics. 

Throughout my tenure at trivago, Omio, and Flipkart, I’ve gained valuable insights and lessons that have shaped my approach to work and problem-solving. While each experience brought its own unique challenges and learnings, there are a few key takeaways that have significantly influenced my professional growth.

At Flipkairt, I had the opportunity to be exposed to the technical development cycle of a large e-commerce platform. This experience taught me the importance of collaboration between cross-functional teams and the significance of aligning SEO strategies with the technical infrastructure of a website. Understanding the technical aspects of SEO and working closely with developers and engineers has been instrumental in my problem-solving approach.

trivago presented an exciting opportunity to work on international SEO strategies. The global nature of the brand required a deep understanding of diverse markets and search ecosystems. Crafting an effective international SEO strategy involved extensive research, localization, and staying up-to-date with market trends and search engine algorithms. Furthermore, I had the privilege of attending transformative workshops that focused on enhancing soft skills and understanding various communication styles, the human psyche, and studying behavior. This immersive workshop proved to be an invaluable experience, equipping me with a wealth of knowledge and practical tools to navigate the complexities of human interaction and communication. Understanding human behavior and psychology has enabled me to anticipate needs, respond empathetically, and deliver exceptional customer experiences. By recognizing and appreciating the diversity of perspectives and communication preferences, I have been able to navigate complex situations with grace and agility.

At Omio, I was fortunate to have the privilege of working alongside 15 exceptional SEO professionals who are regarded as world-class talents. This collaboration allowed us to tap into a wealth of expertise and knowledge, fostering an environment of innovation and growth.

Our collaboration extended beyond the SEO team as we actively engaged with the technology department. By combining our SEO expertise with the technical prowess of the technology team, we were able to devise and implement cutting-edge Product-led SEO solutions.

With a focus on growing the organic visibility of our brand on a global scale, these Product-led SEO solutions aimed to optimize our products and services in a way that would resonate with our target audience. By leveraging the latest SEO techniques and technologies, we aimed to enhance our website’s visibility, attract organic traffic, and improve overall search engine rankings.

This collaboration not only allowed us to harness the power of SEO but also provided valuable insights into user behavior, search trends, and industry dynamics. By aligning our efforts with the technology team, we were able to implement SEO best practices throughout the product development cycle, ensuring that our offerings were not only user-friendly but also optimized for search engines.

Now, as the Founder & Chief SEO Consultant of Botpresso, I have the opportunity to create growth stories for leading and challenger brands worldwide through our technical SEO capabilities. We leverage AI and machine learning techniques to provide innovative solutions for our clients. Our team is constantly pushing the boundaries of SEO, exploring new strategies, and leveraging automation to drive results. The experience with Botpresso has reinforced the significance of being adaptable and innovative in a fast-paced digital landscape.

These experiences have taught me the value of building and nurturing strong relationships within a team. By fostering organic interactions and harnessing the dynamics of collaboration, we can achieve remarkable outcomes. I carry the lessons of human warmth, team cohesion, and the importance of maintaining an agile mindset with me in every project I undertake. These insights continue to shape my approach to work, problem-solving, and my commitment to driving growth for the brands I work with.

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