07Aug 2024

Tips for Creating a Killer ‘About Us’ Page on Your Website

An ‘About Us’ page of your website contains elements such as your company’s mission, goals, objectives, and core values. It is basically a page that allows you to introduce your company, your team, your products, and the services you offer. It should be noted that this page should be written in the first-person narrative as it is more of a ‘you’ story.

An about us page explains to your customers why you are the right choice and what makes you the best brand to invest in. A well-written about us page makes a strong first impression on your customers, and this helps you gain their trust by knowing that you are reliable.

It is a place to show off your brand’s achievements and what level you can go so as to meet your customer’s needs. It helps you position your brand as the best in your industry. An about us page should not necessarily focus on you but on how you offer solutions to problems. It is essential to show your customers what really makes you unique by mentioning some of your biggest wins, as this will keep them engaged.

Mentioning the core value of your brand is an important factor as Customers want to know if they share the same values with you. Establishing trust and providing products and services that address a customer’s problem is the main objective in the realm of eCommerce.

This article will go over the process of how to write a killer about us page but first, let us understand why it is important to have one.

Why you need an about page

When it comes to creating a good rapport with your clients, an about us page is essential. Here are some of the reasons why it is important to have a great about us page on your eCommerce site;

1. To show off what makes you stand out

An about us page is the greatest place to showcase what makes your brand the best in the industry. Stating what features set you apart from the rest by mentioning just a few of your biggest wins will make customers naturally attracted to your site.

No one else has the same reasons as yours for establishing that business portfolio; therefore, no matter how many organizations exist in that particular industry, your business remains unique due to the particular reasons for starting it.

 2. To explain your business model 

An about us page is the place to explain how your products are made. This is the best platform to reveal the potential of your brand.

The business model should give detailed information regarding how the products are made; various processes. Moreover, the business model should emphasize the reason why the brand should be preferred over other brands.

Via an about us page, the attention of clients can be captured by stating the right information. It is also possible to create a long-term relationship with them. 

3. To strengthens your brand image

An about page presents a platform to explain who you are and why you are in that particular industry. How you want the world to view your company is very vital, especially for a growing organization. 

Therefore, an about us page presents the best opportunity to strengthen the image of your brand. For example, if an organization deals with pastries, it should be able to create outstanding pastries that capture the attention of the target market. These outstanding pastries are the assets that create and strengthen the image of the brand.

A good example of such an organization is McKee Foods:

An about us image showing the brands image by McKee -Image credit : McKeefoods.com

4. Communicate your brand’s story 

The brand story involves the history, founders, reasons for the establishment, objectives as well as the entire team that made the establishment of the brand a success. An about us page is the best place to write the story of your brand.

Communicating your brand story reveals not only your presence in the market but also communicates the ups and downs experienced in establishing the brand. In all aspects, communication is vital; effective communication helps eCommerce site visitors understand details regarding your brand’s background and how its offerings meet their needs.

Key Tips for Creating a Killer About us Page

Depending on your brand’s specifics, your ‘about us’ page might include whatever you believe are the most significant aspects of your brand. Below  are some of the most effective tips for creating a killer about us page;

1. Describe your core values

Your clients need to know what values you possess and your principles as well. They need assurance that they are sharing the same core values with your brand.

These values and principles are what guide your business ideology. They may, however, be strong reference points on how staff should conduct their tasks and your clients when they are deliberately designed and integrated into how your firm functions.

It is easy to attract customers’ attention when they realize just how important some principles are to your company.

Finsbury food group begins its about us page with an introduction of its values and principles:

Values featured in the about us page of Finsbury Food Group – Image credit: Finsbury.co.ke

2. Mention a distinct value proposition

Ensure you create your about us page around your most unique business selling point. This should be a feature that is different from what other brands in the same industry are offering.

For instance, it could be a free delivery policy or a two years warranty for each product. 

Emphasize the reasons why this unique feature is important to your business. Another example could be a redo of the services if you do not reach clients’ satisfaction. Explain why this is significant.

Sometimes identifying your distinct key feature can be difficult, especially if you did not build your company with it in mind. It is important to consult experts at online marketing agencies who can assist you in defining and introducing your products or services to clients by emphasizing how they set you apart.

3. Tell your company History

Every brand has a story that makes them unique; hence, it is essential that you draw attention to it. Mention important events in your company’s history, such as when the company began, where you got the idea from, What drove you to that line of thinking, how you have matured from when you began and what you are hoping to achieve by a certain period of time. 

Highlight the journey of your firm in this segment individuals are more curious to find out your origin and historical background. This is one of the most powerful ways to connect with your audience. 

See how Pat Flynn, the founder of Smart Passive Income (SPI), gives a brief history of how and when he started the company:

Photo of the company history by SPI – Image credit: SPI/com/about

4. Highlight your company vision

A vision statement contains the long-term objectives of the company. Every organization and corporation has its own set of objectives to pursue in the long run, mostly in the next five to ten years.

A vision statement is developed by combining all the objectives that the firm or corporation wishes to attain. Businesses have been observed mentioning their lengthy visions on the about us page to inform clients concerning their target activities and potential.

Customers gain a general understanding of the brand and feel a sense of belonging to it as a result. 

A clear vision statement will inspire your business to work hard in the long run to attain maximum consumer satisfaction. 

5. Show your company’s profile

Add the profiles of the members of the team. The about us page is not just about your company presentation, but it may also include your staff who work with you. It is essential to include an image of the faces of the founders and the entire team.

Human beings are mostly attracted to faces, thus putting a face to your brand helps shine a light on the people who run your business. Clients will learn more personal details about your firm and, as a result, feel even more connected to the firm.

6. Explain who you serve

Your about us page should point out who your target audience is. This approach helps ensure your customers know how your business will help them get solutions and achieve their goals. It is crucial to mention who and how you are going to serve.

Make it obvious the kind of products or services you are selling while clarifying who you serve. Businesses typically generalize their products or services in their homepage text, making it difficult for customers to grasp what they are purchasing for.

Companies are sometimes concerned that comprehensive descriptions of their commodities may be boring or uninteresting on paper. That is a valid concern. 

7. Let them know where you are based

Some clients feel safer after knowing where your company is located. You can build confidence with individuals in your neighborhood by stating where you are from. 

Do not be afraid of specifying the location of your office, as well as where your merchandise is sent from. Sharing such information helps alleviate a buyer’s hesitancy to purchase from you.

8. Show your customers the next step

Point the customer in the direction of the next step after they are through with your about us page. You can create a CTA to entice them to return to your shop, providing a contact number and your social media links. 

You need to keep them longer on your website. Your about us page should lead visitors to your other social media pages. Think about how you can encourage them to continue reading your blog.

9. Allow a peek behind the scenes

Being transparent in a business is a requirement and not an option as currently, the internet is very pervasive. Let your customers understand a few necessary aspects about your firm, especially given that many brands are attracting users by using not so honest means. 

A few images of your products being manufactured can be enough to provide curious buyers with a glimpse of your firm’s inner workings.

10. List awards and accomplishments

Letting your customers know about your company’s past accomplishments can impact your sales in a myriad of ways as they can see their own success in the accomplishments of your previous customers.

Use your loyal customers to inform the world about who already believes in and benefits from your works. You can link Instagram pages of such clients’ content displaying the logos of the newspaper that have covered you to emphasize a quotation from their review

Acodez about us
About Us page of Acodez.in

11. Update your about us page regularly

After developing a killer about us page and sharing it on your website, don’t forget to update it on a regular basis. A powerful about us page, for instance, may generate confidence in ways that no other website can.

Failure to update this page, on the other hand, demonstrates negligence and, as a result, damages trust. To prevent this, make it a practice to update your about us page at least every six months.

What to avoid in an about us page

Now that we have gone over the tips for creating a killer about us page on your website, it is important to note some of the things that would make your about us page fail at delivering the right impression for your brand. 

Here is what to avoid when designing a killer about us page on your website;

~ Too much hype 

Your about us page’s main objective is to help you develop a rapport with your customers. For this reason, it is important to refrain from using too much hype, as these are things that should feature on your social media pages.

As much as it is beneficial to mention your achievements and winning points, You don’t want to seem like you are boasting, as this will weary the reader. Note that these achievements should be limited and kept brief since the main goal is to mention your benefit-driven goals to your customers.

It should be more about how you can help them and not about what you have achieved. Use a plain summary of facts and concrete numbers of statistics and ensure you steer clear of any false information that just to please your readers as this might break their trust.

~ Don’t use this page to sell

When your readers click on this page, they simply want to find out more about you. As much as they are interested in your products or services, do not use this page to sell.

Keep this page focused on your company and what makes you unique. A description of what your brand entails and is what they are curious to know from an about us page.

Example of some of the most eye-catching about us pages

Different companies have different designs and structures for writing their own about us page. Below are some of the examples you can borrow ideas from while planning your own page;

1. Mailchimp

Mailchimp, a company that is dedicated to helping small businesses grow, uses its about us page to highlight its dedication. The brand’s about us page begins with a summary of the co-founders’ background how and when the company was launched.

The page highlights their twenty years of experience in emails and web designs. This post goes ahead to outline Mailchimp’s corporate culture. For those considering Mailchimp alternatives, there are other platforms available that offer similar services to support small business growth.

An image of our story by Mailchimp- Image credit: Mailchimp/about.com

2. Bark

Bark’s about us page begins with a bold headline explaining why they offer their services. The about us page is colorful and has adorable images. There are a lot of cute dog photographs on the page.

The page also comes with a part that promotes the company’s basic company principles, helping visitors and prospective customers understand how to assist dogs in thriving at home. 

Finally, the page contains a list of the company’s four subscription box services, allowing customers to buy one after learning about the firm.

Photos in the about us page of BarkBox – Image credit: Bark.co

3. Nike

Nike may appear to be a firm that is too large to encourage smaller enterprises, but in reality, the company maintains a clear and useful about us page. 

Nike understands its target audience and makes this aspect evident as soon as the customers visit the about us page. There is no doubt that the reader is in the correct place and knows exactly what Nike is trying to do.

An about us Photo by Nike – Image credit: about.nike.com

4. Brooklyn Soap company

Brooklyn Soap Company is a beard care brand that introduces itself to its customers in a unique way. The brand’s about us page goes straight to the point and has the correct choice of words.

It is able to attract the attention of the readers due to the fact that their main missions are stated in a powerful way.

5. 40 Colori

40 Colori is a wonderful template for new business About Us pages. It makes a brief positive description of the company, along with a How We Work section that gives readers an inside peek at how things work. 40 Colori’s about us page entices users by delivering a consistent` story that fosters trust and honesty.

Its executive statement describes what the company does, what its core values are, and how it distinguishes itself from other brands in the Italian menswear industry. The content is clear and simple, lending credibility and friendliness to 40 Colori.

About us photo by 40 Colori – Image credit: 40 Colori.com

Bottom line

Writing an about us page does not have to be strenuous, but it should do an excellent job in showing your customers an insight into your brand’s inner workings. It is good to employ a lot of creativity and emotions as well, as there are no limitations to doing this section.

The more transparent you are about your brand’s core values and operations, the more your readers are going to like you. As mentioned earlier, you can consult with digital marketing agencies whenever you get stuck and feel like there isn’t so much to write about. 

However, knowing why you are doing your business is enough to get you started as soon as possible. Later on, add on how you have grown and improved. Use the above tips, and you will find yourself writing the best and most powerful about us page for your website.

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Rithesh Raghavan

Rithesh Raghavan

Rithesh Raghavan, Co-Founder, and Director at Acodez IT Solutions, who has a rich experience of 16+ years in IT & Digital Marketing. Between his busy schedule, whenever he finds the time he writes up his thoughts on the latest trends and developments in the world of IT and software development. All thanks to his master brain behind the gleaming success of Acodez.

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