Black hat SEO

what is Black hat SEO?

Black hat SEO is a set of practices that shouldn’t be performed when websites are optimised as they are against the search engine guidelines. These guidelines are maintained when SEO is practised, as they can help improve website rankings. The search engines can even get penalised and ban those websites using this practice. Some of the following practices are considered as black hat SEO:-

  • Duplicate content- creating content as exact as the one from any other website. 
  • Keyword stuffing- adding excessive keywords and stuffing the article/page. 
  • Hidden Texts/Links- hiding links from the users and is visible to the search engines. 
  • Reporting a competitor- is not worthy practice and is designated as a negative SEO practice. 
  • Sneaky redirects- redirects the users from the original page to a different page to direct traffic and make users click on spam ads. 
  • Content automation- using automated tools to ease content creation for websites. 
  • Doorway pages- also known as gateway pages are low-quality pages that deceive search engines and redirect users from the original page.