
Conversion means what the website owner wants the visitors to do. This action results from the action and the purpose for which a website is built.
Therefore, defining goals is one of the major steps for conversion. Developers have to decide as to why they should use conversion. Is it for the following, the website owner has to decide.
Selling products
Generating leads
Driving traffic to a particular page

Once goals are decided, developers must decide the visitors’ actions( conversion action), to fulfill the goal. If the goal is to generate leads, the conversion act might be filling out a contact form.
After that, the developers and designers work together to create an environment for a desirable conversion action. This involves the follows:-
Clear and compelling calls-to-action(CTAs)
Designing intuitive user interfaces
Optimising the checkout process( if applicable)
Ensuring the website is accessible and easy to navigate.
Moreover, developers use tools like Google Analytics to monitor visitor behaviour and track the above conversion. The data tracked helps identify the effective pages or elements of a website that drive conversions and the areas where improvements are needed.
Conversion rate optimisation is an ongoing process of improving a website to increase the number of visitors who can complete the desired action. It involves analysing data, testing hypotheses, and implementing changes for a website.