CTA is an essential element of web design and digital marketing. It guides users through the most vital interactions on a website. CTAs are not just buttons or links on a website; they are tools that guide users toward a desired action, support business goals, promote better user engagement, and provide valuable insights for assessing performance.
The roles and benefits of CTA on a website can be understood from the following:-

They serve as a guide to the user’s next actions. These may include signing up for a newsletter, downloading a guide, or making a purchase, thereby reducing confusion among the users.
CTAs are developed to attain business goals or enhance conversion, with different goals, such as boosting sales, collecting contact details, or encouraging a particular action.
They maintain user’s interest in a website’s content and services, by making dig deeper by reading additional articles, watching videos, or exploring about services and products. This could enhance user retention.
Through the sales and marketing funnels, different stages of a customer journey, i.e., from initial interest to the final action, are linked to guide users in making a decision.
They are very important for measuring the effectiveness of a website or a marketing campaign. Businesses can gain insights into user behaviour and preferences by analysing the user’s interaction with the CTAs, which refines marketing strategies and website improvements.