11Jul 2024

5 Tools to Improve Your eCommerce Site

According to experts, the global eCommerce market is expected to hit $5 trillion in 2022.

To make sure you get your piece of the pie, you need to invest in tools to improve your eCommerce website. The only question is, which tools are worth your time and money?

I won’t lie to you, there are a TON of options. Wading through them to find the real gems is a time-consuming process and we both know you’re already strapped for time.

That’s why I wrote this article!

Keep reading to learn the five tools your eCommerce website needs, from a review platform to a lead generation app to a revolutionary communication solution and more.



CloudApp is a visual communication tool that combines screen and webcam recording, GIF creation, and image annotation features into one, easy to use solution.

If you want to build a successful eCommerce business, you have to do two things:

  • Market your online store to the right people. If your target audience doesn’t know about your website, they won’t buy anything from it and you won’t make any money.
  • Keep your current customers happy and coming back for more. Success in eCommerce is built on proper marketing and your ability to generate repeat sales.

CloudApp helps with both of these things!

Use the platform’s screen recorder tool to create educational product videos and humorous GIFs. Then add them to your website and blog posts to better engage your audience.

CloudApp improves internal communication, too. Use the screenshot tool to capture important metrics, revision requests, etc. on your computer; then quickly send them to colleagues.

Doing so will improve your workflow and help you plan marketing initiatives more effectively.

One of the best things about CloudApp is that it won’t cost you an arm and a leg. Sign up for free and supercharge your eCommerce website immediately.



Great brands are built on happy customers—at least that’s what the folks at Yotpo believe. I’m inclined to agree with them, which is why Yotpo makes this list.

If you’re unfamiliar with this tool, Yotpo is an eCommerce marketing platform that gives users access to advanced solutions for customer reviews, loyalty and referrals, and SMS marketing.

In other words, it has everything your eCom store needs to acquire and keep customers.

Let’s take a closer look at each of Yotpo’s core features:

Customer Reviews

When’s the last time you bought a product online without reading reviews first? It’s been a while, right? You’re not alone. 93% of consumers say reviews influence their purchases.

This means that your eCommerce site needs to display reviews to increase sales. Yotpo will help you collect and display customer reviews on your website using advanced AI tech.

Loyalty and Referrals

Remember what I said earlier? To succeed in eCommerce, you have to generate repeat sales. Fortunately, this is easy to do with Yotpo…

Use the platform to create custom reward programs based on points, spend, and more. Then turn happy customers into brand advocates with flexible incentives.

The best part is, you can easily track your loyalty and referral efforts with Yotpo’s built-in analytics.

SMS Marketing

Research shows that 90% of people open and read text messages within 30 minutes of receiving them. Obviously, your customers’ smartphones are a fantastic way to reach them. 

With Yotpo, you can create targeted text campaigns and spark one-on-one conversations. then track your engagements and optimize them for greater success in the future.

The one drawback to Yotpo is the price—it’s not cheap. Plan to spend a few hundred dollars a month for access to all of its features.

The good news is Yotpo offers a free starter plan, which you can use to assess the software and decide if it’s something you want to invest in.



There are plenty of ways to promote an eCommerce website. You can, for example, participate in social media marketing. Or invest in SEO. Or run Facebook and Google ads.

You could go old school and pay for radio and TV placements. The options are endless…

All of these marketing tactics have the same objective: get people to your website so that you can sell products to them.

But here’s the thing: 92% of people who visit a website for the first time do NOT make a purchase. Does this mean you should stop driving traffic to your site?

Of course not! It means that getting traffic to your website is just the first step. You need to acquire contact information as well so that you can build real relationships with visitors.

OptinMonster is the perfect tool for this.

With OptinMonster, you’ll be able to easily add high-converting pop-ups, scroll boxes, floating bars, and other kinds of forms to your site to build your email and SMS marketing lists.

Even better, OptinMonster is equipped with automation technology, which will allow you to customize the message in your forms based on user behavior. The result? More engagement, higher conversion rates, and WAY more sales.

Improve your eCommerce website by turning it into a lead generation machine with OptinMonster. Doing so will only cost you $14 to $80 a month, depending on the features you need access to.



Question: what do you do with all that customer information you collect with OptinMonster? Answer: you use it to make more sales, of course!

Omnisend is an email and SMS marketing platform that’s specifically designed for eCommerce brands.

As such, it’s equipped with the features you need to engage your audience, build relationships with them, and decrease cart abandonment.

It’s this last benefit that I want to focus on…

It doesn’t matter how amazing your website looks if it doesn’t convert. And even the top-performing sites only convert a portion of the traffic they get.

Case in point, 69.57% of online shopping carts are abandoned, on average, across all industries.

One of the best ways to improve your eCommerce site is to invest in a quality email and SMS marketing service like Omnisend and rescue as many of these carts as you possibly can.

Omnisend will give you the ability to create highly effective cart abandonment email sequences. How effective?

Omnisend says that the automated cart recovery emails its customers send result in 22x more orders than regular promotional emails!

Get started with Omnisend for free. If you decide you want access to more features, you can sign up for the “Standard Email” plan for just $16 a month or the “Pro Email and SMS” plan for $59 a month.

(Note: your total bill will depend on your number of subscribers.)

Google Analytics

Data is the lifeblood of your eCommerce business.

If you don’t know who your website visitors are, what they want, and what they do when they land on your site, you’ll have an extremely hard time making sales.

But how do you learn this information? You add Google Analytics to your website right now.

Google Analytics report

Google Analytics is a popular website analytics tool that will tell you who’s visiting your site, where they’re coming from, and if your site’s content is fulfilling their needs.

All you have to do to add Google Analytics to your website is:

  • Create a Google account.
  • Choose the website you want to track.
  • Create and add a view inside Analytics.
  • Add your unique Analytics tracking code to your website.
  • Verify your code is working and begin tracking your website.

This is obviously a simplified breakdown of the process. For in-depth directions on how to add Google Analytics to your eCommerce website, read this post from HubSpot.

Google Analytics is completely free and has more than enough firepower for the vast majority of eCommerce websites.

That said, if you want access to premium features like advanced funnel and roll-up reporting, you’ll need to subscribe to Analytics 360, for $150k a year.

Build a Better eCommerce Website

Ready to supercharge your business? Invest in your eCommerce website!

Develop an eCommerce website with the five tools listed above, which will help you learn about, connect with, and sell to your target audience in much more effective ways.

Once you’ve added them to your website, you’ll be in a much better position to claim your piece of the $5 trillion eCommerce pie.

Acodez is a renowned web development company and web application development company in India. We offer all kinds of web design and Mobile app development services to our clients using the latest technologies. We are also a leading digital marketing company providing SEO, SMM, SEM, Inbound marketing services, etc at affordable prices. For further information, please contact us.

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