26Jul 2024

What Is Attraction Marketing and How Can You Use It to Increase Your Leads?

Attraction Marketing is the idea that if you create something so valuable it will naturally attract customers to your business.

This strategy has been proven by many successful companies, including Apple and Instagram.

Attraction marketing can be used in many ways, but most commonly through content creation such as blogs or videos.

By creating quality content that educates and entertains your audience, you are able to build trust with them which leads to more sales than other types of marketing such as PPC ads.

The best part about this technique is that it doesn’t require a large budget as traditional advertising does. All you need is a computer and an internet connection!

Attraction marketing is a fairly new concept that was created to eliminate the need for large advertising budgets.

Instead of paying for expensive advertisements, attraction marketers are able to get their products in front of potential customers by creating high-quality content that naturally draws people in.

Once you have your audience’s attention you are able to sell them on your product while establishing trust with them through your content.

This technique allows attraction marketers to save money and focus more time on providing value to their audience instead of trying to pull them into the business.

The Three Steps of Attraction Marketing

  • Attracting an Audience
  • Creating Content For Your Audience
  • Selling Your Product To Your New Customers

When starting out it may be beneficial to focus on steps one and two.

This allows attraction marketers to build their audience before they try to sell them anything, this creates trust between your business and the potential customers.

Once you have built a large enough following it is important to focus time on steps 2 and 3 as well, eventually leading back to step one so that your audience can continuously be provided with fresh content.

How to Use Attraction Marketing in Your Business

There are many different ways attraction marketers are able to utilize this technique within their business model.

The most common approach is through blogging or video tutorials about certain topics related to what you are selling.

For example, if you were selling dog clothes then creating blog posts about things like “Training Your Dog” or “5 Cheap And Easy Dog Trick Tutorials” would be beneficial for attraction marketers.

By creating high-quality content that focuses on things related to your business you are able to draw more people into your sales funnel.

Another way attraction marketing can help businesses is through the use of video tutorials. Most attraction marketers utilize YouTube as a platform to create videos that educate and entertain their audience.

Video has proven time and again to bring in more traffic than just text because it is easier for people to consume information this way.

This method can be applied by anyone who wants to try attraction marketing, even those with no experience creating videos or blogging should start this process first before attempting anything else associated with attraction marketing because if you cannot create a product for then what good will a paid advertisement do?

The next way attraction marketers are able to use this technique is through email marketing.

The reason why email marketing works so well for attraction marketing is that you already have your audience’s attention, it would be silly not to take advantage of this opportunity.

This allows attraction marketers to reach their audience directly and either provide them with offers or sell them on their product without someone in between the transaction.

One last way attraction marketers utilize this strategy is by publishing case studies of other companies that have successfully utilized attraction marketing within their own business.

Publishing these case studies can help attraction marketers gain more trust from potential customers by showing them real, successful results that they themselves might be able to achieve if they were to purchase your product or service. Lastly, marketers can work with product developers to gather data and use feedback management software to ensure their offerings meet their audience’s needs effectively.

The Science Behind Attraction Marketing

It is no secret that people like to learn about the things they love and come back for more information.

You may have heard of infotainment or soft selling as well, attraction marketing follows those same guidelines but instead of leading somewhere else you stay at your content and draw potential customers in with subscriptions and sales later on down the line. By suggesting something attractive you ensure sales leads to growth in no time.

Providing people with value through informative content makes them more likely to do business with you because they feel as if they know and trust you.


Another way attraction marketers get people’s attention is through humor. It has been scientifically proven that using humorous videos on social media, blogging, or in your video tutorials will increase the attraction to your product.

It is not for everyone but studies have shown that using humor in attraction marketing can be very effective when done correctly.

There are many other aspects attraction marketers use to get their audience’s attention but these are just a few examples of attraction marketing techniques that work well in most cases.

Remember, attraction marketing works best when it is completely organic and truly provides value to your customers even if you are selling something you do not have to put up a front about what you are doing, simply provide educational content and the sales will come later on down the line.

The Benefits of Attraction Marketing


As previously stated one of the biggest benefits attraction marketers face when they utilize this technique is that they are able to skip out on paid advertising campaigns.

It is extremely expensive to pay for ad space or sponsored posts on social media, attraction marketing saves companies thousands of dollars simply by creating content about their product instead of paying someone else to promote it for them.

Another benefit that attraction marketers face is the ability to grow a large following before ever having to worry about selling anything.

When attraction marketers publish case studies, make tutorials, create humorous videos, etc., all for the sake of sharing information people are more likely to trust them because you are not trying to force your audience into purchasing your product or service until they have built enough value around your brand.

You can even turn this attraction method into a business in itself by becoming an affiliate marketer and making money off of other companies’ products.

The best part about attraction marketing is that it does not require a huge budget to get started which makes this technique an ideal option for startups and small businesses looking to market their products.

It is also very easy to use attraction marketing on social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Tumblr, Pinterest, etc.

All you have to do is create content for your audience in the form of pictures/videos/blog posts along with hashtags that are related to your product or service then sit back and watch the attraction grow.

Drawbacks to Attraction Marketing

There are many great benefits associated with attraction marketing but there are some drawbacks when using this tactic as well.

For instance, if attraction marketing does not provide enough value for the customer it can come across as spammy and they might feel cheated out of their time or money.

Attraction marketers face a high risk of losing credibility if they do not actually have a product to sell once people become interested in their brand.

Another drawback attraction marketers face is that the quality of content needs to be very high if you want to attract large audiences.

You cannot simply post images from Google or short video clips from Youtube, those posts will only result in a small fraction of your following actually clicking on any links you post which can significantly hinder your chances at making sales down the line.

In order to be successful, attraction marketers need to create content that provides solid value and entices people into clicking on links and purchasing the products and services they are promoting.

Examples of Successful Companies That Are Using Attraction Marketing

It is a well-known fact that Apple designs and stores all of their media including pictures, videos, etc. on their own servers.


Their attraction marketing campaign has been so successful because they provide value to the customer by offering high-quality pictures and tutorials on how to download music from iTunes onto iPhones for free which allows them to increase brand recognition without having to pay Facebook or Twitter for ad space.

Another example of a company using attraction marketing tactics successfully is Buzzfeed who posts viral listicles on a daily basis in order to attract new readers into clicking on links that lead back to articles containing informative content about a wide array of topics such as travel, food, home decorating, etc.

They have been so successful with attraction marketing because they provide solid value to their audience by sharing lists of funny GIFS, daily deals for online shopping, etc.

It motivates people to click on the links back to Buzzfeed’s website where they can find more information about whatever listicle has piqued their interest.

eHarmony is another attraction marketer that uses high-quality content as a way of attracting customers because their first attraction marketing campaigns involved professional matchmakers who would actually go out and meet with potential matches before introducing them to one another via email or phone call.

This required an enormous amount of time, effort, and money but it was worth it in the end because eHarmony focused on providing value for their customers instead of trying to make sales off attraction marketing right away.

They knew that if they provided their customers with a service that was worth paying for then later on down the line attraction marketing would pay off by bringing in new customers who were already familiar with eHarmony’s brand.

Dollar shave club is a great example of attraction marketing because this company was able to build its customer base to over 2 million subscribers in just four years without spending money on advertising.

Their main attraction strategy revolved around humorous videos such as “Our Blades Are F***ing Great” and other tutorials that provided value while still selling the main product. 

They even managed to get celebrities to endorse their brand which can be extremely beneficial when it comes to creating attraction campaigns.

Once people realized how much quality content and value this company provides for such a low price, along with the endorsements from others, people were eager to click on links posted throughout social media.

Tips for Success with Attraction Marketing

The attraction marketing technique can be extremely beneficial for lead generation and increasing your revenue if done correctly.

A good tip for companies would be to create attraction marketing webinars.

Webinars are a great way for people who have been interested in learning more about attraction marketing or how it can be used in their business but aren’t quite ready to purchase the product just yet. In fact, over 70% of webinar marketers say that webinars are either highly effective or mostly effective. It’s a great opportunity to learn from experts and receive answers to questions they may have been afraid to ask when being sold.

Another example would be to host contests on social media sites where people have to interact with your brand in some way, whether it be sharing a link or uploading their own photos.

For every person who interacts with your business’s posts, they receive an entry into the contest to win something valuable.

This helps create attraction for your company because people are more likely to share your posts with their friends if they feel like they can get something valuable in return.


Attraction marketing is a great strategy to incorporate into your lead generation system.

It’s highly beneficial for companies that use it correctly because it can generate leads at an extremely fast rate while still providing value, which is very important when trying to market your business successfully.

If you want to make a more approachable impression on your consumers with your product or service, consider employing attraction marketing.

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Vipin Nayar

Vipin Nayar

Vipin Nayar is the Digital Marketing Head at Acodez. As a Social Media, SEO & SEM expert with over 8 years' experience in online marketing, he uses his keen insight into customer behaviour to formulate innovative strategies that helps clients enhance their online presence & open up new business avenues.

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