05Jun 2024

Cloud Computing Services that Can Turn your Business into a Gold Mine

  “The cloud services companies of all sizes. The cloud is for everyone. The cloud is a democracy.” 

~ Marc Benioff, Founder, CEO and Chairman of Salesforce

Cloud computing has been around us for a while now. How many of you have tried to explore this newly acquired fresh piece of awesomeness for your business? Not many! Some have of course started implementing cloud computing and utilizing the benefits of its varying features to help their business grow.

There is an enormous amount of data that is being produced routinely on a daily basis. Regardless of whether you are a big, medium or small company, you have already had so much of data that you are unsure of what is kept in what folder or drive or the server for that matter. How do you ensure that all this data is safe and you can get your hands on what these data as and when you need this? No idea.

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Now think about a scenario where the main server that stores all your data is hacked or let us say the server explodes all of a sudden, of course you have got a backup plan, but it’s hacked and you have strict deadlines to be met. How do you deal with this situation?

Don’t tell me you will get the data from your Google drive. It’s not just two or three pages of data that you are looking for. It is an enormous volume of data that you are trying to store and not unless you have a safe and secure mode of storing us is it safe as well as you can access it as and when needed.

So, that makes cloud the only option to save your data.

As someone has rightly said rather than giving complicated definitions for what cloud computing is let us simply put it as doing your business the right way.


Yes, not unless you are data is safe, you can say your business is being done the right way!

Cloud computing provides you with one of the safest, simplest and easiest ways to access and manage your IT infrastructure including your hardware and software reserves.

Using this technology you will be able to share, view and utilize the resources and technical components that are managed by a third party company. Usually, these are stored on computers and networks with highly powerful servers. You can now say goodbye to these servers.

You can now access hardware and software resources remotely.

There are a few terms linked to cloud computing that many of us are unaware of. But, the funniest part of these is that they are usually written as acronyms or abbreviations. We cannot blame anyone because IT people are used to implementing abbreviations for everything rather than expanding it on a whole. And, of course it is difficult for the common people to interpret what these terms actually stand for.

But, here, we will be taking you across the expansion of all these terms.

Firstly, let us discuss the three most important cloud computing services:

1. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Infrastructure as aService

When you have cloud-based computing infrastructure being cascaded into a package of outsourcing product we have what is called as the Iaas which is in fact, the basic level of cloud. So, what is the role of an IaaS service provider?

Whenever you are in need of hardware or software resources for your infrastructure strategy, you can always reach out to an IaaS service provider and request for the same. You will be delivered with the required kind of hardware or software that will be configured and is of course, pre-installed. And, all this will be delivered to you through a virtual interface.

Now, its up to you to decide what you are going to do with your newly acquired reservoir of hardware and software solutions. The best example for an IaaS is your web hosting company. Development platforms that fall under the criteria of managed services are also another example of IaaS. Google, Amazon EC3, Verizon, etc. are some of the popular examples of IaaS service providers.

2. Software as a Service (SaaS)

Web-based applications are more on demand these days and if someone is ready to provide you with a web developed version of a web-based application that is fully configured, would you say no?

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Never in your dreams!

Cloud computing has this all! Yes, SaaS is one of the highlights of cloud computing as it offers people with web-based apps that are fully-developed and operational. These serve the purposes of business owners and provide a wide range of services starting from time management, CRM, email marketing, email clients, ERP, web conferencing and project management, etc. NetSuite, Citrix, etc. are some of the companies offering SaaS service providers.

You can enjoy support and maintenance, as well as tailor-made operational software services and access to your software needs from anywhere if you have a strong internet connection are some of the highlights of SaaS.

3. Platform as a Service (PaaS)


PaaS is one of the most developed kinds of cloud computing and is more or less similar to IaaS though this is a much more varied version of the latter. In the latter you have just the infrastructure solutions, but with PaaS, you get more of it, which actually includes computing platform and solution stack. Also, another highlight is that the infrastructure is an IT infrastructure as you know which is complied with some exciting features including the OS, programming languages, real time graphic user interfaces and run-time system libraries all in one.

Companies that are offering a plethora of software solutions including web development or app development, design, testing, maintenance, and support can utilize and benefit from this solution offered by cloud computing.

The fully configured and pre-installed sandbox that is offered by PaaS providers is your ticket to a great deployment scenario wherein you can develop, test and manage all your cloud driven applications. Some of the examples of PaaS include Google App Engine, Microsoft Azure and Rackspace Cloud Sites. PaaS services are affordable and you need not worry about any upgrades.

4. Recovery as a Service (RaaS)

Cloud computing as you know is here to relieve you from the pain of securing your data and to have a strong backup for all your information as and when needed. So, RaaS is one of the solutions offered by cloud computing to help you with various recovery kinds of services that include recovery in the case of disaster, business continuity solutions, replacement for your backup and finally archiving services all inside one integrated platform. With RaaS you can easily recover servers and even the entire data centers including the information stored inside files and databases.

The highlight of RaaS is its Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) that in fact reduces the downtime whenever a disaster sues in. Geminare, nScaled and WindStream Business are some of the RaaS service proiveers.

5. Monitoring as a Service (MaaS)

Monitoring as a Service (MaaS)

This is one of the most evolving cloud computing services that would be something that businesses will be unable to live without in the near future. By compiling our requirements into a single Service, we are working on reducing the overall costs. So, now you have services that can be implemented to take care of your infrastructure and software processes, but don’t you need a tool to manage and monitor these. So, we have the MaaS. It helps to de-risk the applications while these are migrated to the Cloud.

6. Anything as a Service (XaaS)

The name itself conveys what it stands for. This implement a hybrid level of cloud computing that offers IT as a service fused in with other cloud computing services, such as the SaaS, PaaS, Communications as a Service (CaaS), MaaS and even IaaS.

Now you can integrate all your services into one with the help of the emerging XaaS cloud.

7. Desktop as a Service (DaaS)

Now you can implement the entire computing environment of your desktop through cloud computing using the DaaS. This will give you access to everything including email, software, applications, online backup without any costs for the software or IT maintenance.

8. Email as a Service (EaaS)

What if you can handle and manage all your various Email on a single system. Yes, now you can manage all your Email ids from a single EaaS provided by the cloud computing to make Email management easier.

9. Hardware as a Service (HaaS)

We have already discussed about the efficiency of having a SaaS for your system. But, did you know there is a cloud computing system HaaS that makes hardware leasing even easier? Yes, get it for yours today!

10. Framework as a Service (FaaS)

Now, you have the ease of customizing your application or system according to your business requirements using this one software framework from cloud computing. FaaS is actually an interface between PaaS and SaaS. This software framework will help to manage all your services with ease.

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11. Integrated Platform as a Service (IPaaS)

So, how do we integrate data using cloud services? The IPaaS has been specially designed for this purpose. You can use the toolset from IPaaS that allows online integration of data between applications. Impressive, isn’t it?

12. Information Technology as a Service (ITaaS)

This is one of the methodologies that can be used for integrating technologies required in exchanging, storing and creating data.

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13. Testing as a Service (TaaS)

The name suggests it all. Do we need to elaborate it further? Though there are other cloud computing services that can be used for testing, here is a stand-alone TaaS solution that can be implemented to find out bugs in your system.

14. Understanding as a Service (UaaS)

Of course, as human beings we find it difficult to interpret entries from Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, so we have the UaaS that will interpret whatever we cannot.

15. Storage as a Service (StaaS)

Storage is one of the concerns that have brought us toward cloud computing to help us store our highly valuable assets of information safe. So, this is what StaaS does for us. It will help store any amount of data that you have and this storage is scalable and infinitely adjustable to accommodate any amount of data that you have.

16. Network as a Service (NaaS)

So, what is NaaS? You are transmitting data over various networks. Some are encrypted while some are not. How do you ensure that no one has hacked it while it was transmitted across the network and inserted viruses in it?

NaaS implementation will help you relieve yourself from all these concerns and transmit data to your people with ease.

17. Backend as a Service (BaaS)

This is something you are very much in need of, if you have an online business. With this you can connect your apps to backend of the cloud storage system and process functionalities such as social media integration, user management and even push notifications.

Try it out and save money and time.

18. Quality as a Service (QaaS)

The name itself tells you what it stands for. All your cloud driven services need a check on the quality and here we have the QaaS solution that will ensure that everything is quality driven and comply with the industry standards.

19. Metal as a Service (MaaS 2)

Now, the systems are big data influenced. So, where do we incorporate all this big data?

This facilitates the automation and deployment of the large scale of data that results from big data and the other cloud computing services.

Regardless of whether yours is a small, large or medium sized enterprise, you can acquire cloud to ensure that everything is going to be the best for your clients and people.

Acquiring cloud computing services for your business ensures that you have achieved a high level of efficiency at an affordable cost.

The time taken to service and install cloud services is just a couple of hours which is magic. Also, you have access to cloud computing services from anywhere at any time provided you have internet connection.

Also, you can choose the level of your cloud services based upon your organization’s growth. If you need to expand the bandwidths subscribe for the next level and if you need a smaller one you can shrink it.

Are you looking for any of these services?

We can help.

Acodez IT Solutions is a big data analytics company based in India. Also, we offer all kinds of web design, development and mobile app development services. At Acodez, we know how difficult it is store all these massive amounts of data that your organization is dealing with daily and here comes big data to help you. We are also a SEO based agency in India offering inbound marketing solutions to our clients in India and abroad.

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Vipin Nayar

Vipin Nayar

Vipin Nayar is the Digital Marketing Head at Acodez. As a Social Media, SEO & SEM expert with over 8 years' experience in online marketing, he uses his keen insight into customer behaviour to formulate innovative strategies that helps clients enhance their online presence & open up new business avenues.

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